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EUSDR Priority Area 9 “People and Skills” & EUSDR Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” 3rd Call Thematic Seminar on Governance 15.

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Presentation on theme: "EUSDR Priority Area 9 “People and Skills” & EUSDR Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” 3rd Call Thematic Seminar on Governance 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUSDR Priority Area 9 “People and Skills” & EUSDR Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” 3rd Call Thematic Seminar on Governance 15 January 2019, Bratislava

2 EU Strategy for the Danube Region… … what is it?

3 key challenges Setting the scene…

4 Defining actions & testing solutions

5 Protecting the Environment Building Prosperity
Connecting the Region Mobility Sustainable Energy Culture & Tourism Protecting the Environment Water Quality Environmental Risks Biodiversity Building Prosperity Knowledge Society Competitiveness People & Skills Strengthening the Region Institutional Capacity Security Policy coordination Establishing interfaces for cooperation & exchange Efficient use of ressources Increasing policy impact Knowledge exchange Harmonisation of standards & rules

6 How to contribute to Priority Area 9 Investing in People and Skills

7 Priority Area 9 „Investing in People and Skills"
Priority Area Coordinators (AT) Roland Hanak – Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection (AT) Jürgen Schick – Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (MD) Anna Gherganova – Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Families (MD) Ludmila Pavlov - Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Moldova PA9 works in the fields of education and training, labour markets and marginsalised groups Education & training and modern labour marktes are key for: socio-economic development and growth equitable and inclusive societies well-being personal fulfillment of its citizens EUSDR Priority Area 9 "Investing in People and Skills" |

8 Priority Area 9 „Investing in People and Skills"
PA9 targets: Contribution to a higher employment rate in the Danube Region, especially through tackling youth and long-term unemployment Contribution to improved educational outcomes and relevant skills and competences in the Danube Region, focusing on learning outcomes for employability, entrepreneurship, innovation, active citizenship and well-being Contribution to increased quality and efficiency of education, training and labour market systems Contribution to ensuring inclusive education and training and promoting inclusive labour markets, equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as the promotion of civic competences and lifelong learning opportunities for all Contribution to a closer cooperation between educational, training, labour market and research institutions, in particular on transnational, regional and bilateral levels Results: evident in terms of projects improved networking and coordination exchange on policy level EUSDR Priority Area 9 "Investing in People and Skills" |

Quality and efficiency: Modernise VET (e.g. dual elements); Develop quality assurance meachanisms; Promote teaching at all levels Inclusive education, common values: Reduce ESL; Increase educational outcomes of disadvantaged learners; Promote civic and social competences, critical thinking Relevant skills: Improve basic skills to financial, language, entrepreneurial, green and digital skills Lifelong learning: Address transition phases (within education and from school to work); Promote adult learning

10 Labour Market To foster cooperation between key stakeholders of labour market, education and research in order to develop learning regions To fight poverty and social exclusion of marginalized communities in the Danube Region Focus on holistic approaches /measures for the labour market integration of ROMA Focus on tackling youth and long-term unemployment of of vulnerable groups

11 Thank you for the attention!
PA9 – Education PA9 –Labour Market Ulrike Sedlmayr Barbara Willsberger Tel Tel mailto: mailto: For more information visit our website: EUSDR Priority Area 9 "Investing in People and Skills" |

12 How to contribute to Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity & Cooperation

13 Institutional Capacity Multi-level Governance
Good Governance in Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation Institutional Capacity Improving public service provision Enhancing policy coordination Improving public management Multi-level Governance Building trust Establishing methods of cooperation & co-creation Strengthening capacities of stakeholders in MLG Funding Developing suitable funding and project support Enhancing (transnational) project management skills Improving funding coordination

14 Migration and Demographic Change
Establishing integrated and user-friendly public services (e.g. eGovernment tools, one-stop shop approach) Developing innovative models of cooperation to create modern, needs-based public services (e.g. Public-private partner-ships, Public Innovation Labs) Enhancing methods and standards of planning in functional regions (e.g. interregional policy coordination, spatial planning practice) Developing low threshold access to local public services (e.g. reducing administrative burdens, capacity building for civil servants, accessability) Establishing transnational/ multi-level policy coordination (e.g. against trafficking in human beings, Roma inclusion)

15 Active Citizenship & Sustainable Democracy
Capacity building for public and private stakeholders to enhance participatory governance and co-designing public policies Creating frameworks for Civic Engagement and Youth Participation Establishing modes of participatory policy-making Civic Education

16 Priority Area 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation
Claudia Singer PA10 Coordinator – EUSDR Kaiserstrasse 1070 Vienna (AT)  Tel: +43 (0) Nina Čepon PA10 Coordinator – EUSDR Grajska cesta 1 1234 Loka pri Mengšu (SI) Tel:

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