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The Water Planet 11.1 Water continually cycles. 11.2

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1 The Water Planet 11.1 Water continually cycles. 11.2
CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER The Water Planet the BIG idea Water moves through Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land in a cycle. 11.1 Water continually cycles. 11.2 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. 11.3 Fresh water flows underground. CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES

2 Water continually cycles.
11.1 Water continually cycles. Water moves through Earth’s environment in a continuous cycle. fresh water salt water Evaporation Water rises as vapor. 1 water cycle evaporation 1 2 3 condensation Condensation Vapor changes into liquid. 2 precipitation Precipitation Water falls to the surface. 3 CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

3 Water continually cycles.
11.1 Water continually cycles. Water moves through Earth’s environment in a continuous cycle. fresh water salt water water cycle evaporation CLASSZONE.COM VISUALIZATION See how water moves through Earth’s system in the water cycle. condensation precipitation CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

4 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth.
11.2 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. Water on land collects and flows in rivers and lakes. Much of Earth’s fresh water is frozen. divide drainage basin Lake River turnover eutrophication iceberg CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

5 Fresh water flows underground.
11.3 Fresh water flows underground. Water collects and moves beneath the land surface. groundwater permeable Water collects in open spaces in soil, gravel, or rock. impermeable Gravity pulls water down through permeable materials until it reaches an impermeable layer. water table aquifer spring The impermeable layer prevents water from sinking farther down. artesian well CHAPTER RESOURCES CLASSZONE.COM SIMULATION Explore how groundwater fills in aquifers. SECTION OUTLINE

6 Fresh water flows underground.
11.3 Fresh water flows underground. Water collects and moves beneath the land surface. groundwater permeable impermeable water table aquifer spring artesian well CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE

7 11.1 Water continually cycles. I. Water continually cycles.
fresh water A. Water is a unique substance. salt water B. Water covers most of Earth. water cycle 1. Water and Life evaporation 2. Fresh Water and Salt Water condensation precipitation C. Water moves in a worldwide cycle. 1. The Water Cycle 2. The Impact of the Water Cycle CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

8 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth.
11.2 Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. II. Fresh water flows and freezes on Earth. divide A. Water flows and collects on Earth’s surface. drainage basin B. Surface water collects in ponds and lakes. turnover 1. Lake Turnover eutrophication 2. Eutrophication iceberg C. Most fresh water on Earth is frozen. 1. Ice on Land 2. Icebergs CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

9 Fresh water flows underground.
11.3 Fresh water flows underground. III. Fresh water flows underground. groundwater A. Water fills underground spaces. permeable 1. Aquifers impermeable 2. The Importance of Aquifers water table B. Underground water can be brought to the surface. aquifer 1. Springs and Wells spring 2. Hot Springs artesian well CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY

10 Chapter Resources Image Gallery
CHAPTER HOME Chapter Resources Image Gallery Click here to view chapter images and animations Click on the items below to access resources on CLASSZONE.COM Audio Readings Hear chapter audio readings Resource Centers Get more information on select science topics Content Review Review key concepts and vocabulary Standardized Test Practice Practice state standardized tests Math Tutorial Review math concepts BACK TO CHAPTER

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