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CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS FACILITY FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC A framework for promoting lesson learning on the use of country systems.

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A framework for promoting lesson learning on the use of country systems for managing public climate change finance Resourcing the response to climate change is a global challenge. The proposed framework will develop evidence, and structure lesson learning, within and across countries on the use of country systems to manage public climate change finance. Nine themes make up the framework.

2 Proposed framework Theme Questions
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS FACILITY FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC Theme Questions Defining public climate change finance How is public climate change finance defined at the country level? Results focused Are national climate change policies translated into national development programmes and is there a feedback loop between impacts and policy? Are these policies leading to poverty reduction? Predictability Is public climate change finance spent in line with the planned budget?

3 Proposed framework Theme Questions Public finance management
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS FACILITY FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC Theme Questions Public finance management Are country PFM and procurement systems being strengthened for the delivery of climate finance? Accountability Do the legislature and the supreme audit institution scrutinise government financial performance, including performance against climate change- related objectives? How does civil society engage with this process? Transparency What ways exist to promote transparency of public climate change finance delivery in an accessible format?

4 Proposed framework Theme Questions Gender equity
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS FACILITY FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC Theme Questions Gender equity Is gender equality a consideration in the management of public climate change finance? Enabling environment How does government enable the contribution of civil society and the private sector to climate compatible development? Fiscal measures How does government fiscal policy relate to the national response to climate change?

5 Next Steps for further learning and dialogue
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS FACILITY FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC Next Steps for further learning and dialogue This framework should be developed and refined with the early involvement of a number of participating countries. Evidence and lessons learned from this framework should inform the proposed readiness and preparatory activities of the Green Climate Fund. This should be explored with the GCF Secretariat. A work-plan should be developed that would include: (i) how to engage with other relevant initiatives: e.g. the Effective Institutions Platform and regional bodies , e.g. the System for Integration of Central America; and (ii) develop outreach and communication strategies in different languages .

6 Next Steps for further learning and dialogue
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS FACILITY FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC Next Steps for further learning and dialogue There is scope to replicate the successful Honduran model for regional dialogues on public climate change finance that include cross-continental experiences. Use this framework at Global Forums, such as the present meeting, to promote dialogue and lesson learning across regions on the use of country system to manage public climate change finance.

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