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Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget. Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget The experiences of children in their early years have a profound.

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Presentation on theme: "Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget. Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget The experiences of children in their early years have a profound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget

2 Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget The experiences of children in their early years have a profound impact on their development 1.Minister wrote to all Pre-school Directors re a voluntary Preschool Works Initiative of $14.4m over 4 years to co-locate with primary schools 2.Interested Sites to lodge a Registration of Interest with their Regional Director, 3.Selected Sites will be asked to complete an Expression of Interest proforma, including consultation with the preschool and school community, The EOI process will commence Term 3 and conclude in October. Expression of interest process

3 Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget Expression of Interest Criteria Local enrolment demand Existing relationship between preschool and school Educational disadvantage Existing infrastructure assessment against National Quality Framework

4 Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget Experience demonstrates that co-located preschools and primary schools provide better transitions from preschool to school. 1.Regional Directors will review and prioritise EOIs and advise Director Capital Programs & Asset Services 2.A panel will review region submissions and develop a report and recommendation for MECD consideration. 3.Panel to be comprised of: School and Regional Operations Regional Offices representative Early Childhood Services Capital Programs and Asset services Assessment process

5 Preschool Relocation Program 2011-12 Budget We develop centres and services that provide our families and children the most comfort and convenience. The disposal of property considered surplus to DECS requirements is carried out in accordance with the Department of Premier and Cabinet Circular 114 – Government Real Property Management. Surplus land disposal process

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