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Bellringer…. Wait for instructions

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1 Bellringer…. Wait for instructions
You will need a clean sheet of paper

2 Revisiting Question #13 Wood is a substance that has many uses.
A. Identify 3 physical properties of wood. Explain what these properties make wood useful for. B. Identify a chemical property of wood. Explain what this chemical property makes wood useful for.

3 Review What are the characteristics of a physical change?
What are some examples? Particle drawings What do they show us?

4 Learning Target… I can distinguish between a physical and chemical change. This means I know what physical and chemical changes are and I can tell the difference between them.

5 Chemical Changes Study Pack #3

6 Characteristics of a Chemical Change
Happen as a result of their chemical properties The substances changes its form, appearance, and composition This means a new substance is created! Not easily reversed

7 Examples of a Chemical Change
Burning wood Rusting iron Tarnishing silver or copper Cooking

8 DEMONSTRATION Describe the chemical change before and after….
What are the signs of a chemical change? What changes?

9 Signs of a Chemical Change
Change in color Release or gain of energy Heat Light Production of a gas or a solid (precipitate) Change in odor Sound

10 Law of Conservation of Mass
Applies to physical AND chemical changes The number and type of particles remain the same during the change The particles simply rearrange to form new substances

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