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Conclusion and action points

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1 Conclusion and action points
13th meeting of ESA working group 26-27 October 2015, Brussels

2 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 3. Review of the current working areas, the rule of ESA working group in MSFD Common implementation strategy (05/12/2013) All ESA members have been reminded on the mandate of ESA WG, that include socio-economic and programme of measures related issues, according to MSFD Common implementation strategy Strategic document including a work programme for 2014 and beyond "Learning the lessons and launching a re-inforced phase of implementation (05/12/2013). This will be replaced by the future MSFD CIS work programme, that will be discussed at the two next MSCG meetings on 5th November and on 22nd February 2016, and should be proposed for adoption at the following Marine Directors meeting. The name of wg esa need to better integrate the programme of measures related issues, so another name is proposed POMESA - any reaction on new title to be sent by Nov 3rd. The change in WG name implies a revision of the Terms fo references of WG ESA. Discussions highlight the need to strenghten the link between WFD and MSFD, to work more on social pillar, to strenghten the strategic dimension in ESA WG mandate. Actions : . EC to propose MSCG to change ESA WG terms of references to replace name "ESA" by "POMESA" . EC to propose to MSs to ensure that the designation of ESA member(s) fit with the existing ESA mandate, particularly on programme of measures 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

3 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 4a.Technical workshops on the revision of the Building up the knowledge base on the marine environment, notably on socio-economic aspects, presented by DGENV (Tool Modelling project) Some ESA WG members comment on : . Need to integrate a menu of measures, including mitigation ones . Interest in considering D10 (e.g. Mediterranean sea) . Eutrophication is important issue on Baltic sea ESA WG took note that a socio-economic expert advisory network will be set up. Action : Contractor will send a formal mail invitation to ESA WG members 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

4 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Conclusion point Agenda Item 4b. Sharing experiences on Licensing ESA WG comment on : . the need to identify the relevant level(s) of governance involved within maritime activities to reply adequately to the questionnaire (from national to local) Further exchange with the EC project on the issue is welcomed. If needed, the ESA-members could contact their MSCG-representatives in order to receive the pre-filled questionnaire for their country. 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

5 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Conclusion point Agenda Item 5. RSC actions on measures and socio-economic aspects HELCOM, OSPAR and UNEP MAP initiatives and work on socio-economic aspects have been presented to ESA WG members. ESA WG members suggest a continuation of sharing experience and information from the work on RSC. The RSC works are welcomed. Exchanges were welcomed and crucial. 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

6 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Conclusion point Agenda Item 6a. WG DIKE on programmes of measures reporting Any additional comments to the reporting document by ESA WG members should be communicated through the DIKE or MSCG MS representatives 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

7 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 6b. WG GES: GES decision revision, Feedbacks on the GES workshops WG ESA took notes of GES decision, annex III review process, that include a previous phase of MS consultation. Certain ESA WG members expressed concerns on the proposed revised Annex III Table 2b on uses & human activities that do not consider ESA documents and guidance. Actions: . MS could send message to MSCG MS representatives. . This point will be addressed in the ESA feedbacks at the next MSCG, in keeping in mind that MS had opportunities to comment this summer. . DG ENV will double-check the issue with Germany and Netherland. 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

8 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Conclusion point Agenda Item 7. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ) – introduction/overall: Various ideas for a potential ESA-working programme were collected and discussed at the March 2015 ESA-meeting. From March proposal, it was agreed to focus on five priority actions, where leads, if any, were identified to initiate discussion in October meeting. ESA wg members have been informed that MSFD CIS work programme ( ) discussion will be initiated at next MSCG (5th Nov 2015) and should to be finalised in Feb 2016 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

9 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 7b. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ): WP Action A - ESA Initial Assessment 2010 guidance review: Minor revision needed – only chapter 5 on “potential data sources” UK volunteered to lead the update of chapter 5, if each MS contribute and provide relevant information Lead : UK, Participants : all MS Action : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider the action To review ESA Initial Assessment 2010 guidance 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

10 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 7c. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ): WP Action B: From sharing information of the POM in cooperation with regional sea conventions to joined documentation/reporting on the POM: Example of OSPAR presented ; ideas on a potential role of ESA discussed in this context (concerning all RSCs); Most of ESA WG members welcomed the action and considered action B as interesting but also express a need to better frame the action and express a risk of double work with RSCs, so ESA WG members proposed a continuous action : “Regional Sea Conventions cooperation – sharing on how socioeconomic issues (and measures) are coordinated”. Action : ESA WG member will check if further specific ESA-work might be needed. ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider the action “Regional Sea Conventions cooperation – sharing on how socioeconomic issues (and measures) are coordinated” 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

11 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 7d. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ): Action C: Concretising scientific knowledge needed for economic analysis for the MSFD: Most of ESA WG members welcomed the action. Proposals are expanded to also include: Practical information needs on the link between pressures/activities and state (build the link to work done in GES on the cross-cutting paper and Annex III); Approach on how to deal with situation where no/very limited information is available on the effects of measures ESA WG members proposed a new action for future WG : Revised action title: “Defining scientific information needed for economic analysis for the MSFD” Leader: NT, Participants: LT and potentially SE, DE & FR Action : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider the action Defining scientific information needed for economic analysis for the MSFD 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

12 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda Item 7e. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ): Action D: MPAs: A privileged space where economic and social assessment and recommendations approaches have to be reused under MSFD Most of ESA WG members seen action as useful, but it need to be confirmed if it is priority action or not ESA WG members proposed a revised action title: ”Exchange of experiences on socio-economic analysis regarding MPAs and its contribution for MSFD-implementation” Ecosystem services should be mentioned in the action description Lead: potentially FR, Participants : potentially ES, DE & NL Action : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider the action "Exchange of experiences on socio-economic analysis regarding MPAs and its contribution for MSFD-implementation" 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

13 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015
Action point Agenda item 7f. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ): Action E: ESA needs for the 2nd MSFD cycle and for next 2018 step (MSFD art.8 1c assessment, art.9 GES, art.10 environmental targets) + recommendation on co-operation & coordinated socio-economic analysis ESA WG members proposed a revised action title: "To bring in and link up socio-economic expertise within the 2018-assessments and targets" ESA WG members highlight a need to describe further the action. "Sharing experiences on the potential role of socio-economics in advising when setting targets" has been considered as a starting sub-action to consider. Action : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider the action To bring in and link up socio-economic expertise within the 2018 assessments and targets & its sub-action Sharing experiences on the potential role of socio-economics in advising when setting targets 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

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Action point Agenda item 7f. Update on the current work on Future WG ESA work programme ( ): Other non-priority actions were mentioned at the meeting. Either a MS volunteers to take the lead on one of them (please indicate your willingness to do so by November 3rd) or these will be kept for a (potential) later stage of ESA-work: Ecosystem services approach Exceptions Work on the linkages between WFD and MSFD regarding socio-economics Follow-up on the implementation of the POMs (socio-economics/cost-effectiveness etc.) Action : ESA WG propose to MSCG to consider to discuss further on potential actions on ecosystem services approaches, linking WFD and MSFD regarding socio-economics & cost analysis on the implementation of the POMs 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

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Next steps Next ESA-meeting: 1 & 2 March 2016, Brussels (if substantial items need to be discussed) Next agenda points identified for discussion : Feedback on public participation regarding the fulfilment of socio-economic requirements Further exchange/work on economic data (intervention on EUROSTAT if possible) 13th meeting of ESA working group 26/27 October 2015

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