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Simulating the Tragedy of the Commons Using Agent-Based Modeling

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Presentation on theme: "Simulating the Tragedy of the Commons Using Agent-Based Modeling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simulating the Tragedy of the Commons Using Agent-Based Modeling
Josh Lee Computer Systems Lab 08/09

2 Abstract Tragedy of the Commons Experimental Economics
-autonomous individuals -communal resources Experimental Economics -conventional economic wisdom Agent-Based Modeling -agent types -NetLogo

3 The Tragedy of the Commons
Example: Waste -individuals contributing to group problem -finite resources Sahel -three-tier model -more complex, but more realistic/practical

4 Background “Understanding the Tragedy of the Sahel,” Corey L. Lofdahl
-original Tragedy of the Commons ABMS “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Garrett Hardin -max goods v. max population -stabilization ”Artificial Agents Learning Human Fairness” - 'Continuous Action Learning Automata' and the 'Homo Equalis utility function' -quantative evaluation

5 System Dynamics v. Agent-Based Modeling
Sahel, overshoot-and-collapse Individual agent behavior -agent cooperation (or lack thereof); experimental economics -emergent behavior, dominant behavior types

6 Fig. 1: Model, Upon Opening

7 Model Overview Adjustable Parameters “grass-growth-rate”
“grass-energy” “cattle-energy” Likelihood of finding resources Example: -greater grass-growth-rate >greater cattle population >lower grass count >greater competition -long-term, greater instability

8 Fig. 2: Population Fluctuations (Instability)

9 Additional Features Drought Length, frequency Demonstrates instability
Behavior Alterations Degrees of altruism (behavior types) Expand awareness -available grass, people

10 Future Development Homo Egualis Utility function
Numerically evaluate success Emergent Behavior Dominant behavior type Population stability

11 Problems Difficulty managing population trends
Cattle populations unstable -sustaining losses appropriately -recovering over an appropriate time span Difficulty implementing awareness/altruism


13 Fig 4: Unique Emergent Behavior

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