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Scott Sibole, Ziad Abusara and Walter Herzog

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1 Scott Sibole, Ziad Abusara and Walter Herzog
Extending a Novel Technique for In Vivo Measurement of Chondrocyte Deformation to In Silico Biomechanics Scott Sibole, Ziad Abusara and Walter Herzog January 24, 2013 BMEN 613 Human Performance Laboratory, University of Calgary

2 Introduction Articular Cartilage Thin load bearing tissue Avascular
Very slow turnover Millions of loading cycles 1/7 BMEN 613

3 Motivation Osteoarthritis Quality of life
Nearly 10% of US Population (Lawrence et al. Arthritis. Rheum., 2008.) Adapted from Pritzker et al. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2006. 2/7 BMEN 613

4 Problem Scope Fair Use 3/7 BMEN 613

5 Previous Work Pioneer work at the University of Calgary BMEN 613 4/7
Abusara et al. Journal of Biomechanics, 2010. 4/7 BMEN 613

6 Objective To produce a computational model capable of simulating
the mechanics in the experiment. 5/7 BMEN 613

7 Method Bone Kinematics 3D Reconstruction Modeling and Simulation
Discretization 6/7 BMEN 613

8 Application Local mechanical environment Model validation
Courtesy of Mark van Turnhout, Eindhoven Model validation Material characterization 7/7 BMEN 613

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