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TEEB Germany – a country study process at the interface of science and policy Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Bernd Hansjürgens, Irene Ring, Aletta Bonn,

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Presentation on theme: "TEEB Germany – a country study process at the interface of science and policy Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Bernd Hansjürgens, Irene Ring, Aletta Bonn,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TEEB Germany – a country study process at the interface of science and policy Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Bernd Hansjürgens, Irene Ring, Aletta Bonn, Miriam Brenck, Urs Moesenfechtel

2 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Structure of talk 1.Key reasons for doing the study 2.Main policy questions 3.Outputs 4.Approach, methods and governance of study 5.Utilization of results 2

3 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Key reasons for doing the study Success and impact of the international TEEB study, German Environmental Ministry (BMU) one of the initiators and funders of TEEB International TEEB national study as contribution to national biodiversity strategy Collecting and synthesizing existing evidence and providing economic arguments for nature protection 3

4 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Objectives and (policy) questions Awareness Raising: collect evidence on social and economic importance of ecosystem goods and services Promoting Good Practice: stimulate mutual learning via case studies of biodiversity conservation Connecting People: facilitate knowledge exchange among and between science & policy Showcase the Benefits of ES-concept: mainstream ES-concept in policy sectors other than nature conservation TEEB DE is not: an economic valuation study a national ecosystem service assessment 4

5 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Architecture and Governance Jointly funded by: – German Ministry for the Environment (BMU) – Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) January 2012 - July 2015 Coordination: UFZ, Department of Economics Study leader: Bernd Hansjürgens (UFZ) 5

6 66 Funders: Coordination group Advisory Board experts from policy, science, media, business Project Advisory Group (PAG) stakeholders from ministries, administration and NGOs Study leader Bernd Hansjürgens and coordination team at Peer review Input Workshops – Call for Evidence – BfN-projects – Expert Network – etc. Brochure The value of nature for economy and society Brochure Natural Capital – The business perspective Mainstreaming the economics of nature: Instruments and policies (Draft title) Report 1 Volkmar Hartje Climate politics and natural capital (Draft title) Rural areas and ecosystem services (Draft title) Nature in the city: Health and quality of life (Draft title) Report 3 Ingo Kowarik Report 2 Christina v. Haaren Report 4 Synthesis UFZ Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE

7 Outputs – Report Series 7 10/2012 03/2013 01/2014 07/2014 01/2015 07/2015 International Conference Business brochure IntroductionReport 1 Climate politics Report 2 Rural areas Report 3 Nature in the city Report 4 Synthesis & recommen- dations Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE

8 Utilization of results (or at least our efforts to make results useful) Interactive process of developing the reports: broad call for evidence, kick-off workshops with stakeholder consultations, reviews by scientists and experts from policy and administration, public launches of each report Outreach, training and discussion: workshop series with stakeholders from administration, business and NGOs; Connecting with complementary cross-sectoral processes: National Panel on Germanys Biodiversity Strategy, UN Decade on Biodiversity, Business initiatives (Biodiversity in Good Company et al.), Bioeconomy Council 8

9 9 Thank you for your attention! Contact:

10 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Additional products Online case study collection: making good practice examples accessible creating a platform for promoting success stories and stimulating exchange among administrators Outreach, training and discussion: workshop series with stakeholders from administration, business and NGOs identifying the added value of the ecosystem services concept 10

11 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Architecture and Governance Coordination group: UFZ, BfN, BMU Advisory Board: experts from policy, science, media, business Project Advisory Group: stakeholders from ministries, administration and NGOs Science experts lead developments of 4 reports and 2 brochures Interactive process of developing the reports: broad call for evidence, kick-off workshops with stakeholder consultations, reviews by scientists and experts from policy and administration, public launches of each report Communication strategy 11

12 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Vision Nature and its goods and services are acknowledged as fundamental to welfare and human well-being. Politicians, business leaders and civil society are united in their interest in human well-being and therefore in safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity. Environmental protection and nature conservation are important factors in political, administrative as well as private decision making. 12

13 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE: Main challenges - I Good planning: TEEB DE does not start from scratch Identify scope for and added value of ecosystem services approach Appropriate inclusion of political stakeholders Scientific independence vs. funders interests on agenda-setting and choice of topics Stakeholder involvement: broad legitimacy vs. efficient process 13

14 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE: Main challenges - II The role of the economic approach for nature conservation concerns over monetary valuation in conservation community (commodification critique) naive use of monetary valuation by others (in particular policy and media just get us the numbers) valuation focus vs. integration of ecosystem service values in decision making and policy instruments An accessible style of communication – not too academic – relevance to practice (legal and administrative context) 14

15 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Approach and products Reports and brochures as main products 1.Climate politics and natural capital (Volkmar Hartje) 2.Rural areas and ecosystem services (Christina von Haaren) 3.Nature in the city: Health and quality of life (Ingo Kowarik) 4.Mainstreaming the economics of nature: Instruments and policies (Bernd Hansjürgens) Brochure 1: TEEB-DE: Introduction (Stefan Marzelli et al.) Brochure 2: TEEB-DE for Business (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) 15

16 Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE Website important communication tool 16

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