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The New Deal 1.

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1 The New Deal 1

2 Notebook Entry #1 Continued – Left Side
Make a list of the ideal character traits of a president who could lead the country out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Examine a the following pictures and make a list of character traits you see…








10 Notebook Entry #2 Video Clip – Left Side
Record 5-7 Facts about FDR 3

11 “The Forgotten Man” 8

12 Notebook Entry #2 Continued –Right Side -The New Deal
Radical legislation that defined role of government During FDR’s “First Hundred Days” in office, he signed more legislation than any other president in American History. New Deal Goals Relief: jump start the banks, direct relief to the poor/starving Recovery: numerous jobs programs to put people back to work Prevention: protect banks, regulate stocks 5

13 Notebook Entry #2 Continued Fireside Chats – reasons for success Left side
1. What words would you use to describe FDR’s time during this fireside chat? 2. Who do you think was listening to this radio address in 1935? 3. What techniques did FDR use to connect with the audience? 7

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