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UCF Computer Vision REU 2012 Paul Finkel 6/25/12

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1 UCF Computer Vision REU 2012 Paul Finkel 6/25/12
Weeks 5 & 6 Presentation UCF Computer Vision REU 2012 Paul Finkel 6/25/12

2 Correlation Coloring Calculated correlation between rows of videos
Sampled matrices Histogram of optical flow (HOF) HOF > sampled matrices Results show: High correlation in highly dense crowds Low density crowds have mixture of high and low correlation “lines” separate oppositely moving groups Where panic happens

3 Visualizing Density Changes
Calculate entering and exiting matrices Observe a specific section (e.g. 10x10) Sum up how many entered Sum up how many exited Density change = # entered - # exited Density change < 0 => density decreased Density change > 0 => density increased

4 Visualizing Density Changed (cont'd)
Smoothed surf plot helps visualize how density changes between frames Dρ/Dt = δρ/δt + ρ.v Δ Lagrangian Eulerian

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