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Course Orientation Organizing and Collective Bargaining

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1 Course Orientation Organizing and Collective Bargaining
ITC-ILO/ACTRAV Course (A305068) Organizing and Collective Bargaining in Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) 13 – 24 Feb 2012, Turin Course Orientation

2 Background : Decent Work Decade for A-P region - economies are growing but Decent Work? ‘Crisis’ exposed many vulnerabilities – export dependency, low & declining real wages for majority & insufficient social protection for workers. Major challenges: Unemployment, underemployment, precarious work, inadequate social protection, lack of respect in practice for FoA & right to collective bargaining – a clear indication that the economies are not creating decent work Asian Govts looking towards Exports, FDI & MNEs as a major driver of growth and jobs

3 Background Main challenges facing TUs – Organizing, recognition of trade unions & trade unions’ rights to collective bargaining (TU density & CB coverage low in Asia) growing precarious employment, low wages & low social protection, implementation of ILO standards Within unions – need for strengthening organizational & technical capacities – for organizing and social dialogue & collective bargaining on economic, social & environment policies.

4 If economic growth has to benefit all…
Need to promote Decent Work – respect for fundamental principles & rights of workers What can trade unions do to follow up at national level to promote labour standards? Need for use of ILO’s supervisory machinery to promote & defend FoA right of workers? MNEs influence national practices in labour relations: How can unions organize and influence MNE behaviour?

5 this training programme…
Thru exchange of experiences & mutual collaborative learning this course seeks to inform, train & discuss with union representatives: Role of national unions in promoting ILO standards, including principles and guidelines provided by ILO’s MNE Declaration Responding to management policies in MNEs – learn about international labour movement’s initiatives for promoting workers rights in MNEs as also other UN and OECD initiatives and discuss union role & strategies at national level; Know about factors affecting wages, productivity & Decent Work and learn how to negotiate for decent work in MNEs.

6 Key issues to be discussed
Social Dialogue & Collective Bargaining for Decent Work: Key issues for unions in the age of globalization Country situation review - Current trends in the employment & industrial relations in MNEs Asia-Pacific ILO’s MNE Declaration, its significance and role of unions Promoting labour standards in the corporate world: Public regulation vs. private standards Experience of ILO’s MNE Help Desk on promoting ‘Standards’ MNEs management policies and negotiation skills for collective bargaining in MNEs Understanding MNE financial information for collective bargaining

7 Key issues to be discussed
Understanding Productivity & negotiating productivity linked wage agreements in MNEs GUFs initiatives for promoting Organizing & Decent Work in MNEs Negotiated and non-negotiated initiatives for promoting ‘rights’ in MNEs and its supply chains (CSR, Codes of Conduct & IFAs) OECD Guidelines for MNEs and role of trade unions ILO’s Decent Work Agenda & its relevance for Trade Unions Organizing: Pathway to Decent Work ILO CFA and Supervisory system for defense and promotion of FoA Follow up work plans: Promoting Organizing & Decent Work in MNEs

8 Main Outputs Expected Each participant will prepare a follow up work plan to strengthen his unions work in the area of: promoting FoA and organizing, actions to promote ratification and implementation of the core labour standards & promotion of MNE Declaration This work plan will be used for evaluation purposes and future follow up activities. Guidelines for preparing follow up proposal will be given

9 Evaluation Feedback is welcome on daily-basis
Daily Summary – by participants End of the Course evaluation Feedback is welcome on daily-basis

10 Role of Participants Be active & participative in all activities through out the course – your experience is also a source of education for all, including us! Be PUNCTUAL! – please…..  Form a 2 member Daily Report Team – to take notes of, summarize major points & key issues of each training session – the team will change daily & will present the summary of previous day’s training sessions every day. Come up with ideas for follow up work plan

11 Any Questions?

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