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Food for thought to BIOPAMA and the Green List programmes

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1 Food for thought to BIOPAMA and the Green List programmes
Governance & Equity Food for thought to BIOPAMA and the Green List programmes

2 Main reflections Governance needs to be at the heart of the conservation and planning strategies Governance and equity to better direct national policies and enhance decision-making Understanding governance and what it entails, at the different levels and with a multi-stakeholder approach Consider landscape/seascape particularities, land-use planning, other policies Think beyond assessment, encourage engagement and recognition of diverse governance arrangements/mechanisms Consider governance as the “cout” of PA management Encourage discussions about key governance elements for well- being Time is an important measure for assessing governance, as much as hearing the many voices that have a say Moral and transparency are fundamental pieces of the frame

3 Opportunities Take stock of leassons learned in regions, countries and from different stakeholders Expand training through many formal and more locally accepted means of education Use the Green List Good governance component as a trigger for dialogue, supported by BIOPAMA

4 Recommendations Develop training opportunities and means for better competencies/understanding of governance and equity, and the impacts on management Undertake evaluations in sites and systems to invite necessary changes overtime Encourage Green List nominations with strong governance analyses as part of the process Collect case studies, lessons learned in a global “state-of-the- art” study that helps identify key actions needed in each country Provide feedback to the standard for the Good Governance component based on arising points from evaluations By collecting experience and enabling dialogue, partners have a potential to influence change in PA management policy frameworks in the long term, including those at the national (legal and institutional) and international levels (IUCN decisions, COP decisions, post-2020 agenda)

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