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Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Europe (ESQUIRE)

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Europe (ESQUIRE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Europe (ESQUIRE)
Programme Day One – Tuesday, 2nd September 2014 Session 1 - Overview, Focusing the Question and Searching 11.00am Registration & Refreshments 12 Noon Buffet Lunch 1pm Introduction and Overview Dr Andrew Booth 1.30pm Focusing the Question Dr Janet Harris 2.15pm Qualitative Evidence Synthesis - Case Study 2.45pm Break & Refreshments 3.15pm Planning Your Review 3.45pm Searching for Qualitative Evidence, Using Filters & Supplementary Methods 4.45pm Summary of the Day 5pm Close 7.00pm Evening Course Dinner INOX Dine, Level 5, Students Union Building, Durham Road, S10 2TG Tel: Venue Halifax Hall Hotel & Conference Centre, Endcliffe Vale Road, S10 3ER Tel: Leopold Hotel, Sheffield

2 Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Europe (ESQUIRE)
Day Two – Wednesday, 3rd September 2014 Session Two - Data Extraction & Quality Assessment 9.30am Choosing a Method of Qualitative Synthesis Dr Andrew Booth 9.45am Introducing QES Methods – the Basics (Thematic Synthesis and Framework Synthesis) Dr Andrew Booth & Ms Fiona Campbell 10:30am Break & Refreshments 10.45am Workshop: Thematic Synthesis and Framework Synthesis (Part One – Data Extraction) 11.30am Workshop: Thematic Synthesis and Framework Synthesis (Part two – Quality Assessment) 12.30pm Lunch Session Three – Analysis, Synthesis and Writing Up 1.30pm Workshop: Thematic Synthesis and Framework Synthesis (Part Three – Synthesising across Studies) 3.00pm Break & Refreshments 3.15pm Workshop: Thematic Synthesis and Framework Synthesis (Part Four – Completing the Analysis) 3.45 pm Feedback and Summing Up Ms Fiona Campbell 4.15pm Where to Next? 4.30pm Writing Up and Dissemination 5pm Close Leopold Hotel, Sheffield

3 Evidence Synthesis of Qualitative Research in Europe (ESQUIRE)
Day Three – Thursday, 4th September 2014 Session Four – Methodological Challenges- Focusing, Study Identification and Assessment. 9am Realist Synthesis 101 Dr Andrew Booth 9:30am Meta – ethnography 101 Dr Ruth Garside 10am Overview of Methodological Issues 10.15am Issues and Challenges around Scoping, Focusing the Question & Use of Models and Theory Dr Janet Harris 11am Issues and Challenges around Searching for Literature 11.20am Break & Refreshments 11:50am Issues and Challenges around Assessing Qualitative Research 12.30pm Lunch Session Five - Methodological Challenges - Synthesis and Integration 1.30pm Issues and Challenges around Synthesising Qualitative Research 2.15pm Issues and Challenges around Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Data Professor James Thomas 3.00pm Methodological Roundtable Discussion Dr Andrew Booth, Dr Ruth Garside, Professor James Thomas & Dr Janet Harris 3.20pm The Way Forward – Taking your Interest Further Dr Andrew Booth & Dr Janet Harris 3.30pm Refreshments and Departure Leopold Hotel, Sheffield

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