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Health Literacy Programme

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1 Health Literacy Programme
Endorsed by: Health Literacy Programme

2 Who are we? Endorsed by: The Shared Health Foundation (SHF) is an initiative of the Oglesby Trust, set up to tackle health inequalities across Greater Manchester This project is to help local people with young children to recognise minor illnesses, the more worrying signs they need to look out for and the different health services they can access.

3 Background Endorsed by: In communities with high levels of deprivation, there is a trend towards inappropriate A&E attendances and high levels of GP usage with children under 5 years of age. Health education in areas of deprivation can be poor, and parents/carers can feel ill equipped to care for their children when they have minor illnesses. There are women and men of all ages living and working within communities who are a hub for parents and carers, and who tend to share their own health/parenting experiences readily.

4 Aim Endorsed by: The aim of this project is to improve the health literacy of parents/carers and grandparents living in communities where there are high levels of deprivation. To provide up to date health information to women and men of all ages living and working within communities and who act as a hub for parents/carers. To provide support to an informal network of ‘community grannies/grandads’

5 Approach The 2-stage course will include the following information:
Endorsed by: The 2-stage course will include the following information: Stage 1 Health literacy is about keeping children healthy, basic health education and information on how to access appropriate services. This will be provided for parents, carers and child minders. Shared Health will provide some basic equipment and appropriate health resources to those that attend. The program of work for this will be standardised, but adaptable, depending on those attending.

6 Approach continued Endorsed by: Stage 2 From the health literacy sessions, we will identify parents/carers who have strong connections within their communities and a desire to better the health education there. Within further sessions, we want to provide them with up to date health information and a network within which to discuss their shared experiences

7 Programme content Session 1 – Healthy Child Healthy eating
Endorsed by: Session 1 – Healthy Child Healthy eating Keeping active Mouth (oral) health & teeth

8 Programme content Session 2- Poorly child Fever children’s cold
Endorsed by: Session 2- Poorly child Fever children’s cold Children’s sore throat Children’s cough Ear infection Constipation Upset Tummy Rashes Available services GP’s traffic light system

9 Feedback Endorsed by: “I feel that I would be more confident in looking after my child and not just hand her straight over to her mother when she is unwell (Father)” “I feel more confident about self caring for my child at home first before going straight to the GP the minute she becomes unwell” (Mother) “encourage more dads to attend the course it was good” (Father) “Who would have never known that pharmacists can be so useful”(Mother)

10 Venue Children’s Centres/Sure Start Libraries GP Surgeries
Endorsed by: Children’s Centres/Sure Start Libraries GP Surgeries Community Centres

11 Contact us Endorsed by: If you would like to book a course please contact:


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