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Word Masterclass By Dan Carline.

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1 Word Masterclass By Dan Carline

2 =Rand(N₁, N₂) – This will generate text in English.
Sometimes when multiple people work on a document they are working on completely different sections, some prior bits of the document may not be input or finished. Using Placeholder text we can add in randomised text to fill the space and allow us to place images or other layout features. Allowing us to visualise what the document will look like before completion =Rand(N₁, N₂) – This will generate text in English. N₁ is the number of Paragraphs N₂ is the numbers of lines within each paragraph =Lorem (N₁,N₂) – This will generate text in Latin

3 Select imageContextual formatting options Wrap text
Placing images in Word can be one of the more stressful actions to complete in Word due to the lack of understanding surrounding image layout options Image 1 To access the image layout options icon: Left click an image to select it and then select the layout options icon that appears to the right of the image (see Image 1) Alternatively you can also left click an image to select it and find layout options if the contextual formatting options in the ribbon ( see Image 2) Once inside either of menus you will see the same options available. Image 2

4 Very similar to tight, but will sometimes intersect the image
Image layout option Description In line with Text Images will be placed as a word in a line of text, subsequently when the paragraphs above are moved so will the images. (this is the only mode without the ability to “fix position”) Square If you are using a cut-out image, Square will allow you to maintain a square cut-out around the image even if the border is not square. Tight This will bring the border as close to the image as possible. This will generally be best for non-generic shapes as this will pull the text in a close as it can get whilst not overlapping Through Very similar to tight, but will sometimes intersect the image Top & Bottom Allows text above and below the image Behind Text Allows text to flow freely behind the image In Front of Text Allows text to flow freely over the image

5 Assuming you have selected one of the options other than “in line with text” you will have access to the following options: Image layout option Description Move with Text Allows the text to move with the text preceding it. (great if you’re still adding pages early in the document) Fix Position on page Locks the image in place on the page regardless of what the text surrounding it is doing. Edit Wrap points: This can be used to manually amend the boundary of where the image will allow text to wrap to. Click a drag on the outside boundary whilst this feature is active to add extra points. More Layout options: This will option the menu containing all the options available for Text Wrapping.

6 Ribbon  Insert  Quickparts
Quick parts can be used to quickly repeat parts of text (including images) that are being used frequently, perhaps in lots of documents. Quick parts allows you to create a library of Autotext or use a pre-constructed Building Block. To add a part to Quick Parts: First type out the text you wish to save, highlight it by selecting the text and under the Quick Parts button you will find “Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery” To use a Quick Part use the AutoText menu and click the Quick part you wish to use.

7 ¶ Ribbon  Insert  Quickparts
Besides the normal content of your documents in Word, there are also characters that don’t normally display on the screen. In addition, Word uses several special characters for its own purposes, such as characters to indicate the end of a line or a paragraph. To show NPC’s you can click the “backward” P/T symbol (Otherwise known as a Pilcrow)

8 Ribbon  Home  Clipboard Section
The Microsoft Office Clipboard allows you to copy up to 24 multiple text and graphical items from Office documents or other programs and paste them into another Office document Can copy and paste from multiple locations Can be used in other Office Apps Can move information in batches Can see a preview of the clipboard, before you paste it

9 Ribbon  Insert  Page Number
Page Numbering is used in a lot of documents. Even if you know how to basic sequential numbering, quite often you will want to skip pages or change numbering character type such as: Roman numerals or the way numbers are displayed Page Numbers can only be added to a header and footer section of a page Page numbering looks at Sections of the document, but by default it set to “continue from previous section” You Can use the “Format page numbers…” option to start at a different number or continue from previous section

10 Page Break – Found in Insert Tab Section Break – Found in Layout Tab
Section and Page breaks are used as a formatting tool in word. But they are also looked at by other features in word, such as page numbering, page orientation and Header & Footer layout. Page Break – Found in Insert Tab Section Break – Found in Layout Tab Page Breaks – These are automatically inserted at the end of each page. However they can be added manually. Allowing you to push text/images onto the next page without inserting multiple carriage returns Section breaks – Next page or Continuous These can be used to change the page’s section. Once a page’s section has been changed you are able to modify that section’s header/footer or page orientation without it affecting the rest of the document

11 Ribbon  Layout  Breaks  Section Break (Next page or continuous)
This break will act like a Page break and a section break, simultaneously adding a new page and turning it into a new section Section Break (Continuous) – This break will continue on the page where you placed it. However it will cause the following page to become a new section Link to Previous – Header & Footer Menu Once you have created a separate section, chances are you will want to uncheck the box “link to previous” So that you are able to use a new section of formatting.

12 Ribbon  Home  Find The Find tool is extremely powerful. It can not only find relevant parts of your document, but it can also amend them with the “Find and replace” function. Find Can locate almost anything from specific words and phrases to punctuation and other formatting features. Locate all occurrences of a certain word/phrase Locate words based on what case they are written in Locate non-printing characters such as Section breaks using the “special” option at the bottom of the menu Replace – this will give you the opportunity to replace anything that you have “found” with whatever you select.

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