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Human Biology Circulatory/Respiratory/ Excretory System

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1 Human Biology Circulatory/Respiratory/ Excretory System
Ch. 37

2 Circulatory System Function
1. Delivers food & oxygen to cells. 2. Carries CO2 & wastes away from cells.

3 Blood _______ (_______________) – carry oxygen w/ hemoglobin
________(_______________) – fight diseases. ________ – liquid portion of blood containing nutrients ________ – clots blood

4 Blood Vessels 1. ________ – thick, elastic; carries __________________ blood away from the heart 2. ________ – thin, not elastic; carries _________________ blood back to the heart 3. _________ – smallest & thinnest blood vessels; connect arteries to veins; where _______________ occurs

5 Muscle Pumps (for veins)
_______ in veins prevent the backflow of the blood. When muscles contract, they squeeze the veins allowing the blood to move up to the heart.

6 Heart Made of ________ muscles Has ___ chambers.
Right/left _______ = collecting chambers Right/left __________ = pumping chambers ________ between atrium and ventricle prevent the backflow of blood

7 Pathway of blood flow Superior/inferior ____________ (biggest vein)
 ___________  _____________  ___________ artery  to the lungs (pick up O2)  ___________ vein  _________ (biggest artery)  to the rest of the body

8 Heartbeat Average heartbeat of an adult at rest = _____ beats/min
- Sounds of a heartbeat “lubb” “dubb” come from the _______ opening and closing in the heart.

9 Blood Pressure Measure of the pressure that the blood exerts on the blood vessels Systolic/Diastolic = ave. adult ____ mm Hg/____ mm Hg _________ pressure = ventricles contract; high _________ pressure = ventricles relax; low

10 How is the heart beat regulated?
___________ – generates electrical signals to regulate heartbeat ________ _________ – part of the nervous system in the brain that controls the pacemakers.

11 Respiratory System Function 1. Obtain oxygen for metabolism.
(cellular respiration) 2. Eliminate _______ ____ and water.

12 Respiratory System Structures
Nasal Cavity (nose) -cilia trap dusts and purify the air ___________(throat) -helps air to pass through and traps microorganisms ___________ (voice box) -Makes the vocal cord vibrate and produce sounds. __________ - Prevents food from going into respiratory tract __________ (windpipe) - Main trunk of the respiratory system. Located in the center of the chest cavity _________/__________ (left & right) -Two branches at the bottom of trachea; branches into smaller bronchioles. __________ – air sacs at the end of bronchioles; gas exchange occurs.


14 Mechanism of Breathing
Breathing results from the movement of rib muscles and ___________. ___________ = a layer of muscle tissue that helps in breathing by contracting or relaxing Inhalation – rib muscles ________ & diaphragm ________; increases volume of chest cavity; air rushes in Exhalation – rib muscles _______ & diaphragm ________; decreases volume of chest cavity; air rushes out.

15 Effect of Smoking When someone smokes, their cilia are paralyzed, allowing particles to irritate the lungs.

16 Excretory System Kidney -> _______ -> ________ -> ________

17 Nephron A basic unit of ________

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