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SuperB Accelerator Overview

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1 SuperB Accelerator Overview
P. Raimondi for the SuperB AcceleratorTeam XIV SuperB Workshop LNF, Frascati, Sep. 28-Oct.1, 2010

2 Workshop organization
There will be fewer “talks” in the accelerator sessions and one full day (Thursday) dedicated to work in sub-groups to address the latest issues Most of the talks will report on new work since Elba

3 Accelerator sessions Tuesday 11:15 (DA meeting room)
Site, Lattice Tuesday 14:00 (Touschek) MDI (Acc. + Det.) Tuesday 16:00 (DA meeting room) Beam Dynamics Wednesday 9:00 (DA meeting room) Injection, polarization, IBS Wednesday 11:00 (DA meeting room) RF & Feedbacks Wednesday 14:00 (DA meeting room) Work in sub-groups Wednesday 16:00 (DA meeting room) Interaction Region Thursday 9:00 to 16:00 (DA meeting room) Thursday 16:00 (DA meeting room) Accelerator Board (all): Summary of work + TDR planning Friday 11:15 (Touschek) Summaries

4 What’s new since Elba CDR2 completed !
Dynamic aperture comparison (MADX, Acceleraticum) (Chancé, Piminov) IR design (Sullivan) QD0 designs (both “Italian” and “Siberian”) (Paoloni, Okunev) IR Vibration studies (Bertsche) Implementation of detector solenoid in the IR lattice, with compensation of coupling (Nosochkov) Intra Beam Scattering studies (Boscolo) RF & HOM absorbers studies (Novokhatski)

5 What’s new since Elba Beam-beam tune scan (Shatilov)
Linac studies (Poirier/Variola) Estimation of synchrotron light properties from bends (Wittmer) Feedback interface (Drago) Low level RF (Bourrion) Low Emittance Tuning for LER (Liuzzo) Optics improvements ARC&FF (Raimondi, Syniatkin) Polarization measurements (Moffeit) Injection system status (Boni) BB depolarization (Rimbault) Site and utilities (Tomassini)

6 CDR2 Accelerator Status
Accelerator part of CDR2 is completed ! 160 pp. 27 chapters Need some update in beam-beam and synchrotron light sources sections (end of this week) Thanks to all contributors


8 Table of contents

9 Elba’s parameter list (V12 lattice)

10 Beam-beam Beam-beam tune scan performed with latest beam parameters (V12) and latest bb code (Shatilov) Comparison with previous parameters: lower bb tune shift increases tune operation area and achievable luminosity Still performing more detailed scan close to the half integer to check on resonances width (ready by next week)

11 BB tune scan (Shatilov)
CDR, xy = 0.17 CDR2, xy = 0.097 L_Max = 1.04∙1036

12 Lattice studies Work continued on lattice optimization
Modified V12 3pi ARC cell lattice with alternating long and short arc cells Modified Final Focus design for better performances Some studies also performed for a Ring that fits entirely in the LNF site More details in Syniatkin’s talk next session

13 Layout of HER arcs V12 Old V12 mod Short ring

14 Dynamic Aperture studies
Work on MADX (Chancé) to be able to compare DA results with Acceleraticum code (Piminov) Found few discrepancies  corrected and agreed Will be able now to work in parallel at LNF and BINP

15 DA studies Acceleraticum MADX (different scale) HER LER

16 Intra Beam Scattering 3 methods used, all in good agreement:
Bane (theoretical), Chao (theoretical), 6D MonteCarlo simulation ex,z vs bunch current

17 Conclusions Good progress made since last workshop
(considering just two working months since ELBA-Meeting) CDR2 finally completed Steady progress in the SuperB Complex design Better and more accurate studies Thanks to the INFN and SuperB management, several people are being hired for the SuperB TDR

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