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6Y Wednesday Early Battles of the Revolution

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1 6Y 02-08-2017 Wednesday Early Battles of the Revolution
Objective: Describe the early battles of the American Revolution. No Chromebooks today. Agenda: Prayer DO Now: Why did the First Continental Congress meet? What was accomplished at this gathering? Why did the Second Continental Congress meet? What was accomplished at this gathering? Discuss Do Now Go over timeline, collect timeline Pop quiz on chapter 4.1 Go over quiz Preview Chapter 4.2 Homework: Copy the main ideas and big idea from chapter 4.2 into your notes. Copy and define key terms and people into your notes.

2 Why did the First Continental Congress meet
Why did the First Continental Congress meet? What was accomplished at this gathering? Why did the Second Continental Congress meet? What was accomplished at this gathering? First Continental Congress Second Continental Congress Why they met: Colonial leaders were angry and worried about how the British were treating the colonists. There were fighting (Boston Massacre) and unfair laws (Intolerable Acts) Because King George the III ignored the Declaration of Rights. Accomplishments: - boycott – stop trade with England Told colonies to prepare volunteer armies (militia) Wrote Declaration of Rights – asking the king for their rights – 10 resolutions They did not want war or to be separated from Great Britain. They decided to meet again if King George III didn’t respond to the Declaration of Rights. - Formed a Continental Army = put all the soldiers from all the colonies together. Made George Washington leader of the Continental Army. Asked the King one more time for peace – letter of peace – Olive Branch Petition.

3 Timeline Answer Key Spring 1774 – The Intolerable Acts were passed by Britain to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. October 1774 – The First Continental Congress met to discuss the Intolerable Acts and the strained relationship with Great Britain. April 1775 – The Battle of Lexington and Concord happened when Minutemen ambushed Redcoats who were on their way to Concord to seize weapons and arrest Patriot leaders. May 1775 – The Second Continental Congress met because King George the III refused the petition for more rights (Declaration of Rights) from the First Continental Congress. They made a Continental Army but also sent a request for peace (The Olive Branch Petition) to King George III. June 1775 – The Battle of Bunker Hill happened when Patriot forces fought against British forces who had to fight their way uphill. Patriots were forced to retreat because they ran out of ammunition, but they were able to take down over 1,000 British soldiers. March 1776 – Dorchester Heights – Washington took command of the army and pointed cannons at the sleeping British from the top of Nook’s Hill.

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