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Published byCharles Marsh Modified over 5 years ago
Songhua Wu, Xiaochun Zhai, Bingyi Liu, Hongwei Zhang, Qichao Wang
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, June, Okinawa, Japan Characterization of aircraft dynamic wake vortices and atmospheric turbulence by Coherent Doppler Lidar Songhua Wu, Xiaochun Zhai, Bingyi Liu, Hongwei Zhang, Qichao Wang Ocean University of China (OUC), Qingdao Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, China June 21, 2018
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June 18-21 2018
Outline Motivation Wake vortex and its impact on aviation safety and efficiency Methodology Coherent Doppler wind lidar Retrieval algorithm and data processing flow for dynamic wake vortex analysis Field campaigns campaigns at the Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA) Summary
Wake vortex’s impact on aviation safety and efficiency
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Wake vortex’s impact on aviation safety and efficiency Occurrence of Wake Vortex Encounters Severity of Wake Vortex Encounters Aircraft safety Airport capacity Frederic Barbaresco et al, 2013 WV are large rolling air masses generated by aircraft because of lift. Core velocities of the vortex can exceed 60 m/s for large aircraft, constituting a potential hazard to following aircraft during the landing and take-off phases. Existing departure and arrival wake turbulence separations are sometimes considered over conservative as they don’t take into account meteorological conditions likely to shift, reduce or alleviate the wakes’ circulations. Most severe wake-vortex encounters mainly occur under 500 feet. The impact of a wake vortex encounter at low altitude is indeed more severe..
The signification of Near Ground Effect (NGE)
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June The signification of Near Ground Effect (NGE) Puel and Victor, 2000. Stephan, Misaka & Holzäpfel, 2012 The heights range of NGE and IGE are our most concerned area. The dynamics of wake vortex in this area is quite complicated. Wake vortices leads to the formation of a shear layer at the ground, which eventually rolled up to secondary vortex structures and separated from the ground
Methodology: pulsed coherent Doppler wind lidar
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: pulsed coherent Doppler wind lidar The position, characterization, evolution and decay of aircraft wake vortex can be derived from Doppler lidar measurements. Doppler Spectrum
Methodology: Lidar Scanning modes
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: Lidar Scanning modes Basic RHI mode Range-Height-Indicator Scan height at far distance: 500 m Elevation angle: 2°-30° Angle interval: 2° Mar , BCIA Velocity Spectrum y z x
Methodology: Scanning modes
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: Scanning modes Basic RHI mode Range-Height-Indicator Scan height at far distance: 500 m Elevation angle: 2°-30° Angle interval: 2° LOS velocity velocity dispersion ATOM mode Along Track Observation Mode with multiple elevation angle 2°, 6°, 10° etc. LOS Angle interval: 2° 4° y z x
Dynamic Wake Vortex detection
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: Diagram of real-time dynamic WV detection Dynamic Wake Vortex detection Lidar Observation Wake Vortex Detection Core location Circulation TEDR Wind Profile & Turbulence LES Model Wake Simulation Core location Circulation
Radial velocity & spectrum width core position & circulation
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: wake vortex characteristics retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectrum width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR (b1) (a) Doppler spectrum (b2) (b3) Circulation is calculated by summation along an arc passing through the core center and between the radii 5 m and 15 m. (a) Doppler spectrum measured at different elevation angles and at the fixed range equal to the distance between the Lidar and the right wake vortex, (b) spectrum of [b1] outside, [b2] below and [b3] above the right vortex core.
Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: wake vortex characteristics retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR (a) Radial velocity (b) Spectral width CDL observed (a) radial velocity and (b) spectral width distribution when an A380 overflights on 14:47:16-10:49:58 LST Jan at BCIA.
Methodology: wake vortex characteristics retrieval
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: wake vortex characteristics retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR The distribution of function (a) Dv (Rk ; n) (green curve), Ds (Rk ; n) (blue curve) (b) D (Rk ; n) (black curve), the red and blue line in the below figure represent the distribution of φ max ( R k ;n), and φ min R k ;n , respectively. (c) the red and black square represent the left and right wake vortex, respectively. (a) (b) (c) Weighted function: D 𝑹 𝒌 ;𝒏 = 𝑫 𝒗 𝑹 𝒌 ;𝒏 * 𝑫 𝒔 𝑹 𝒌 ;𝒏 /𝟏𝟎
Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: wake vortex characteristics retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR Circulation Correction Flow chart Eg. Ascending scan WV Left WV Right WV LoS velocity envelope
Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: wake vortex characteristics retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR (a) WV core locations (b) Before circulation correction (c) After circulation correction BH model fit using CDL measured data
Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: atmospheric turbulence retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR Measurement geometry of RHI turbulence characteristics retrieval (Smalikho et al JAOT) Transverse structure function and turbulence parameters
Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Methodology: atmospheric turbulence retrieval Doppler spectrum Radial velocity & spectral width core position & circulation Wind profile & TEDR (a) (b) (c) (d) standard deviation of velocity crosswind velocity turbulent energy dissipation rate integral scale Spatiotemporal distributions of the (a) standard deviation of velocity (m/s), (b) crosswind velocity (m/s), (c) turbulent energy dissipation rate (m2/s3) and (d) integral scale of turbulence (m) obtained from measurements by the CDL on Jan at BCIA
Qingdao 2014.02.26 Beijing 2014.03.5-6 Beijing 2014.07.14-15
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Field campaigns: Beijing Capital International Airport BCIA 2014 One Trail test + Two field experiments Qingdao Beijing Beijing
Field campaigns: Tianjin Binhai International Airport TBIA 2016
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Field campaigns: Tianjin Binhai International Airport TBIA 2016 Prevailing wind direction in winter (from south to north), the airplanes during landing phase were detected. Scan mode: continuous RHI (ascending + descending scan mode) Scan elevation angle range: 5°-10° (height: 30-60m) Scan azimuth direction: 94° LOS range resolution: 30m Blind area: 150m range: m Scan speed: 1°/s Balance between WV finer structure and detailed WV evolution process! Scanning strategies of the field observation campaign at TBIA
Field campaigns: Hong Kong International Airport HKIA 2016
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Field campaigns: Hong Kong International Airport HKIA 2016 Scanning strategies Lidar Westerly wind (left) spectral width (right) radial velocity. Time: 17:30:23-17:32:21 Aircraft type: A320 The schematic diagram of HKIA near ground effect observation and corresponding specification. Date Time Period 18:00-19:00 14:30-20:20 16:20-19:40 Elevation range 𝜽(°) 8-22 8-20 0-25 Detectable lowest height ∆𝑯(m) ~56 Elevation resolution ∆𝜽(°) ~1.2 ~5 ~1 Transverse range resolution ∆𝒙 (m) ~8.4 ~35 ~7 horizontal distance elevation evolution (left) Wake vortex core position evolution process, y-axis represents the horizontal distance between the core position and the Lidar. (right) Wake vortex elevation evolution process. good bad
Field campaigns: BCIA 2017 A B
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Field campaigns: BCIA 2017 A B Field experiment at BCIA during Jan-Mar, A:wind profiler, B: Coherent Doppler Lidar
Experiment configurations and lidar parameters
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Experiment configurations and lidar parameters Specification CDL Wavelength (𝜆) 1.55 um Pulse energy ( 𝐸 𝑝 ) 150 uJ Pulse repetition frequency ( 𝒇 𝒑 ) 10 kHz Pulse number (N) 1000 Pulse width ( 𝝉 𝒑 ) ns LOS spatial resolution (∆𝑹) 15-30 m Speed measurement range (V) ±30𝑚/𝑠 Speed measurement uncertainty (∆𝑣) 0.1 m/s Distance to landing point A 974 m Azimuth angle (𝝋) 𝟐𝟑𝟎 ° Distance to runway 36R ( 𝑹 𝒓 ) 248 m Distance between A and B 1110 m (H=55.5 m) Sketch map of Lidar locations at BCIA
Experiment configurations: observation mode
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Experiment configurations: observation mode specific experimental parameters for RHI wake vortex detection Configuration Scanning rate ( 𝜔 𝑠 ) 1 ° /s Elevation range (𝜃) - 1 ° ~ 13 ° Angular resolution (Δ𝜃) 0.2 ° ~ ° Detection range (R) 120 m ~ 600 m Average time (Δ𝑇) ~0.3 s Scan duration (T) 13 s ~ 14 s Transverse resolution (Δ𝑥), R=300m 1.0 m ~ 1.6 m Range depended Detectable lowest height (Δ𝐻) 5 m ~ 6 m (building height) Safe corridor Lidar WV tracing Runway The schematic diagram of BCIA near ground effect observation and corresponding specifications
Field campaign: aircraft records
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Field campaign: aircraft records Aircraft type Weight (M: medium, H: heavy) Number A319 M A320 194 A321 952 A332 H 1056 A333 446 A343 825 A346 23 A359 4 A388 1 ARJ21 117 B737 59 B738 192 B744 1753 B752 39 B763 66 B772 89 B773 101 B777 64 B77L 3 B77W 18 B788 316 B789 165 C919 204 MD11 2 MD81/82/83 Statistical analysis: Time period: Position: BCIA 36R, landing phase Total number: 6690 Airbus Boeing Others Number, % Heavy 1,416 999 1 2,416, 36.1% Medium 2,202 2,070 2 4,274, 63.9%
Self-Adaptive Wake Vortex Simulation Model
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Data processing flow of 2017 BCIA campaign Self-Adaptive Wake Vortex Simulation Model INPUT OUTPUT
Near Ground Effect: Large Eddy Simulation, LES
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Near Ground Effect: Large Eddy Simulation, LES (a) Affected by crosswind The wake vortex circulation LES simulation under near ground effect (a) affected by crosswind (b) unaffected by crosswind (b) Unaffected by crosswind courtesy: Prof. G. Cui, Dr. M. Lin Tsinghua University Lin, AMM, 2016 Lin et. al, CJA, 2017 (b) (c) (d) (a) Dangerous area boundary prediction WV Lateral position WV Altitude Circulation
Data examples of 2017 BCIA campaign
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Data examples of 2017 BCIA campaign (a) (b) (c) (d) A333 A332 Trajectories of left (red squares) and right (black squares) wake vortex axes [(a), (c), (e)] and evolution of wake vortex circulation [(b), (d), (f)] generated by A333, A332, A332 aircraft over the BCIA at the following time: 23:02:17–23:05:52, 23 Jan 2017 [(a), (b)]; 15:50:11-15:53:46 25 Jan 2017 [(c), (d)]; 17:46:17–17:49:52, 25 Jan 2017 [(e), (f)]
Data examples of 2017 BCIA campaign
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Data examples of 2017 BCIA campaign [a] B788, 03:25:16 -03:31:51 Jan [b] B788, 05:30:05 -05:36:40 Jan (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Normalized parameters evolution process; (a) core distance; (b) Nadir angle; (c) Core altitude; (d) Vertical movement component; (e) Core horizontal distance; (f) Horizontal movement component
Normalized height range
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June Data examples of 2017 BCIA campaign (a) normalized vertical velocity normalized height (b) Line Normalized height range 1 green 0.2~0.4 2 light blue 0.4~0.6 3 orange 0.6~0.8 4 blue 0.8~1 5 pink >1 6 red all Wake vortex behavior measured during BCIA 2017 campaign (a): normalized height (b): normalized vertical velocity Solid line: luff wake vortex Dash line: lee wake vortex
19th Coherent Laser Radar Conference, Okinawa, June 18-21 2018
Summary & Outlooks Summary: Real-time dynamic wake vortex tracking and characteristics under NGE with different scanning mode; Simultaneous observation of wake vortex and atmospheric turbulence Outlooks: Wake vortex characteristics statistics under different atmospheric conditions; Decision-making system for aviation safety and to increase airport capacity Acknowledgements: P.28 Turbulence Characteristics during Typhoon P.29 Wind Shear Observations at BCIA airport. P.30 UAV-borne CDL P.32 Virtual tower and VAD Comparison
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