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Notes from BSG 2019 London Some observations.

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1 Notes from BSG 2019 London Some observations

2 2 full days, 80 posters, 23 free papers Clinical Trials Update
Sarcoma Service Updates (SACT, Proton, NHS E) Unusual cases(Epithelioid, Clear Cell, PEComa) Case based discussions Guest Lectures – Immunotherapy overview, Retroperitoneal surgery, Best practice in rehab. Topics; Spinal sarcomas, MDT improvements, Adj chemo, Fibromatosis, GIST.

3 Olaratumab Noticable by its absence!
PDGFRa inhibitor, monoclonal antibody Initial randomised phase 2 trial had stunning survival advantage. 133 patients OS at 12 months: 14.7 months v 26.5 months PFS median: 4 months v 6 months

4 Olaratumab Phase 3 trial ANNOUNCE Reported Jan 2019
No difference in Overall Survival No safety concerns No benefit to patients continuing No Results expected for a year

5 Consider: PS 0-1 Under 65 yrs (45 yrs) 20 cm thigh tumour Grade 3
MFH/UPS Wide resection, clear margins Also getting Radiotherapy

6 Predicted outcome - Sarculator
If aged 45 10 yr OS = 51% (30% Persarc) 10yr DM = 58%

7 Italian papers 3 v 5 courses (Ifos 9, Epi 120) EORTC 62931
Lancet Oncology 2012, 13, (10) Adj chemo (Ifos/Adria) v nil Completely resected limb/trunk high risk STS No difference between 2 groups

8 Italian group – different chemo for different pathology, nothing beats Ifos/Anthracycline
Pasquali EJC 2019, 109, 51-60 Based on re analysis of EORTC 62931 Used Sarculator to assign into: Poor 10 year OS (<51%) Medium and Good 10 yr OS Compared effect of chemo or no chemo

9 For the poor risk group chemo halved the risk of recurrence or death
Pasquali EJC 2019, 109, 51-60 For the poor risk group chemo halved the risk of recurrence or death Suggested - increase OS by 21% at 8 yrs Need to treat 5 to benefit 1 Those at greatest risk benefit most

10 Concerns: What is the cost and morbidity/mortality
In-patient chemo, central access, longer until return to work Risk of serious events (death) – in EORTC study – same, except more infection in control group. 40% grade haematological event

11 Chemotherapy doses Ifos 5/Adriamycin 75
(used in EORTC study, Ifos dose criticised) Italian (Ifos 9 / Epirubicin 120) Should it be Ifos 9 plus Adriamycin 50-75??

12 Will need to have SSN view on this
Propose to discuss this in September meeting To agree who should be offered this How we will deliver Doses, drugs and number of courses Sequencing with surgery and RT

13 Measurable Outcomes (Like our QPI) From the MDT meeting or record
Have they seen a CNS Has PS been documented ? TNM Have they had written and verbal info HNA in line with recovery package

14 Key worker / CNS Not part of ‘QPI’, if it was – how would it be ‘measured’ Can we demo that each region has good coverage – geographical and tumour type Not all (eg) breast cancer pts now have a CNS

15 Managing Expectations
For outcomes Function Survival For access to Drugs (chemo, immuno, cannabis) Investigations / New technologies Personalised medicine / drugable targets

16 Genomic Sequencing What is it going to be What consent is required
What samples are needed How long to get a report What difference will a report make Need for ‘genomic ‘MDTs’ GeCIP (Genomics England Clinical Interpretation Partnership)

17 GIST – S Bauer Heat maps, molecular analysis, surgical options
Necrosis is bad Intermediate risk with necrosis as bad as a high risk High risk with necrosis worse again Ablative RT for rectal GIST to avoid surgery Large gastric GIST may benefit from 9-12 mo pre op imatinib

18 Fibromatosis Desmoid Global Consensus ? Publication this year
Mutational analysis on all specimens CTNNB1 mutations and APC mutations are mutually exclusive

19 Fibromatosis All patients should have ‘active surveillance’ initially
Unless life threatening or critical anatomical site Move to therapy should be: After at least 2 further assessments At least a year from diagnosis Progression of tumour and / or increasing symptoms

20 Fibromatosis Abdominal Wall Extremity, Chest wall, Girdles
Surgery 1st option Extremity, Chest wall, Girdles Only surgery if very low morbidity Otherwise Medical therapy Intrabdominal, Retroperitoneal, Pelvic Consider systemic therapy as first option

21 Fibromatosis FAP associated Desmoid tends to be more aggressive and multifocal

22 Fibromatosis Drugs / combinations may not have evidence of a good level Tamoxifen, Calyx, DTIC Only randomised data exists for Sorefanib, pazopanib and MTX/VBL Phase II data Imatinib Suggest start with least toxic, and work up

23 Random observations Sunitinib for Solitary Fibrous Tumour
TKI in osteosarocma – possibly with conventional chemo Brachyuri NYES01 in Synovial sarcoma and Myxoid sarcoma – may be a target / immuno option RMH immunocore phase 1 study

24 Random observations Chondrosarcoma Leiomyosarcoma
De differentiated, may be an immunological mech Leiomyosarcoma Gem or Gem/DTIC Often first choice

25 High dose in Ewings In relapse / refractory disease Selected cases
Best if just localised disease +/- lung More aggressive trt at relapse Suggested median efs 84 mo v 10 mo

26 There were many other interesting posters and talks
Try to come get involved in and attend BSG 2020 Glasgow 26th and 27th February 2020

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