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Bayesian analysis at work troublesome examples

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Presentation on theme: "Bayesian analysis at work troublesome examples"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bayesian analysis at work troublesome examples
J. Charles, A. Hoecker, H. Lacker and F. Le Diberder

2 Outline Setting the stage Frequentist analysis Bayesian analysis
Simplified stage Concerns and Conclusion

3 Setting the Stage α B decays into π π final states 6 observables And
6 theoretical unknown 6 decay amplitudes are involved CP Violation α

4 α

5 Bayesian Analysis α Data Theoretical parameters: mind
are random variables - following known PDF mind

6 Quantum Mechanics parameterization
6 decay amplitudes are involved One phase may be set to zero Bayesian (I) frequentist

7 Standard model parameterization
The 6 amplitudes are split into two kind of contributions Trees & Penguins 10^9 Bayesian (II) amplitudes & phases … or real & Imaginary parts ? Bayesian (II) frequentist Bayesian (III)

8 Changing decay channel (ρρ)
Bayesian (I) Bayesian (II) !?! Quantum Mechanics amplitudes & phases JHEP 0507:028,2005 frequentist (I)(II)(II) real & imaginary parts Bayesian (III)

9 B → π π Taking key experimental information away removing all experimental hints related to α amplitudes & phases Quantum Mechanics

10 Conclusion … that attractive ? priors parameterization

11 Spheres within a cube Simplified Stage 6 D space
Bayesian treatment one knows nothing about the individual space components x,y,z… What do we known about the radius r =√(x^2+y^2+…) ?

12 Concerns & Conclusion α CKM Should we ?

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