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Regional Committee Meeting Chicago Section Report

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Committee Meeting Chicago Section Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Committee Meeting Chicago Section Report
Robert Burke Chicago Section Chair January 21, 2012

2 2011 Section Most Important Accomplishment
2011 Technical Conference First all day conference held by the section 80 Participants 25 Vendors/Sponsors Science Kits for Libraries (J Zulaski lead) $40,000 from IEEE $5,000 from IEEE Chicago $4,000 from S&C Electric 25 Library Projects underway (complete in 2012) 2 8/4/2019

3 R4 Can Most Help My Section By…
Help in keeping contacts with the student sections, developing meetings. Workshops, training, and certifications Corporate Contacts – National, Regional, and Local. 3 8/4/2019

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