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Online Steward Training

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1 Online Steward Training


3 An electronic grievance system created that allows grievances to be filed, and processed electronically. System is utilized by both Management & Union to process grievances. What is OHgrievance?

4 History of OH Grievance
2014 OCSEA & State of Ohio piloted the OH System in 2014 with 6 Chapters & 1 ODOT District. 2015 all OCSEA Chapters/Agencies began utilizing the OH System for filing grievances 2016 OH System got a FRESH look 2018 Electronic Settlement & Withdraw Process History of OH Grievance OCSEA & State of Ohio piloted the OH System in 2014 with 6 Chapters & 1 ODOT District. - Chapters consisted of various agencies & counties around the State of Ohio 2015 all OCSEA Chapters/Agencies began utilizing the OH System for filing grievances - After the 2014 Pilot, OCSEA & State of Ohio slowly transitioned agengies/chapters into the system from August – December of By 2015 every agency/chapter was rolled into the system 2016 OH System got a FRESH look - In 2016 after feedback from going around the state training all of our membership & utilization, the OH Grievance system got a fresh look & several new features. The original system had the ability for grievance filing, appealing & viewing, document retention but in 2016 the system looked different, increased search ability features & increased the scheduling features to incorporate scheduling of Mediation & Arbitration. 2018 Electronic Settlement & Withdraw Process - In 2018 the parties work to increase the features associated with Settling & Withdrawing grievances within the system, without a paper settlement or withdraw, containing only electronic signature.

5 How Does The OHgrievance Benefit Chapters?
One system for all the parties to utilize for processing grievances Cost savings for Union in grievance processing with the elimination of postage, cost of certified letters and coping grievances Eases the transition of new officers & stewards Allow for simplified grievance tracking process

6 Visability All Grievances Visible in System based on upon an individuals view rights Timelines Grievance Status Documents & Step Responses Resolution Steps (Step 1, Step 2, ADR & Arbitration) Grievances View Rights - All grievances viewable by various parties dependent upon their assigned viewing /representation roll All Grievants are able to view their own grievance, providing them with a quick way to access the status of their grievance All Stewards & Staff Reps are able to view grievances for the Chapter, allowing for easy transitions & better representation by all Union Reps OCSEA HQ able to view all grievances, giving us a better idea of the issues occurring around the state of ohio or specific agencies - Timelines & Status Helps ensures grievances are processed timely if logging into the system weekly. Stewards for a Chapter are able to log in & check the Step/Status of any grievance within the system, getting a “live” update for themselves or the grievant, not just the grievances they filed. Able to check to see when a case may be scheduled for different steps of the grievance process under Resolution events History Log within the system allows the parties to defend that grievances were processed properly Document & Step Reponses: All documents are not visible if uploaded by any steward, so that a file is no longer able to go missing or need to be copied for multiple stewards Ease the ability of reviewing settlements from the past, as they are uploaded in the system for easy reference Step Responses are attached in the system, so they can be reviewed & don’t have to worry about it being forward to the appropriate parties.

7 When you are filing a grievance don’t forget…
Attach ALL PERTINENT Documentation to Grievances Ease the Document Request Process Review Step Responses & Amend if necessary Grievance Extensions

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