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Section 6: Puzzles of Perception

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1 Section 6: Puzzles of Perception
Chapter 6 Section 6: Puzzles of Perception

2 Questions Can we perceive what is happening in the world without being conscious of doing so? Can we pick up signals from the world or from other people without using sensory channels?

3 Subliminal Perception
Even when people are oblivious to speech sounds, they are processing & recognizing those sounds at some level Above people’s absolute threshold (AT)

4 Perceiving without awareness
A simple visual stimulus can affect your behavior even when you are unaware that you saw it

5 Extrasensory Perception: Reality or Illusion?
Extrasensory Perception (ESP): The ability to perceive something without ordinary sensory information This has not been scientifically demonstrated

6 Three types of ESP: Telepathy – Mind-to-mind communication Clairvoyance – Perception of remote events Precognition – Ability to see future events

7 Most “evidence” comes from anecdotal accounts
Not always accurate Assignments Read Psychology in the News pg 207 & Taking Psychology with You page 208

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