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US Involvement in the VIETNAM WAR & President Nixon

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1 US Involvement in the VIETNAM WAR & President Nixon



4 THE CRISIS BEGINS France is defeated by communist Vietnamese and forced to give up their colonies. At the Geneva Conference, Vietnam is split in two along the 17th parallel. North Vietnam is under communist leader Ho Chi Minh and South Vietnam under democratic President Ngo Dinh Diem.

5 THE DOMINO THEORY The US feared the idea of the “Domino Theory”.
Following containment, US decides to intervene in Vietnam.

6 “ADVISORS” To assist South Vietnam, President Kennedy sends in 16,000 “advisors” (the Green Berets) to assist in forming and training an army. Ho Chi Minh wants to remove Diem from power and sends in the Vietcong to assassinate him. Escalation starts.

7 THE US GETS “PULLED” IN August 2, 1964 – USS Maddox fired upon by North Vietnamese destroyer. The Maddox returned fire and damaged the patrol boat. August 4 – Maddox and other US destroyer report seeing Vietnamese torpedo in the water. Johnson responds by bombing North Vietnam

Congress passed with only two senators voting against it. Gave Johnson “all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the United States and prevent any further aggression.” In February, 1965 a Vietcong attack killed eight Americans. Johnson responded with his new powers… America was at war!


Attrition – Constant wearing down of enemy forces. This was hard to do because the Vietcong were fighting a Guerilla War. Guerilla War – Fighting on all “fronts” (country, city) where forces fight among civilians.

11 Soldiers on the Frontlines

12 Jungle Fighting

13 “Agent Orange”

14 Military Showcase

15 Tet Offensive

16 My Lai Massacre

17 “GOODNIGHT SAIGON” Music and Lyrics by Billy Joel
Written at the end of the Vietnam War. Told the story of the soldiers who came in as boys and were forced to grow up quickly. Video Tribute

18 Nixon & Vietnam Vietnamization – takeover of ground fighting by the Vietnamese soldiers. “Peace With Honor” – January, 1973 Nixon ends the war. War Powers Act – President had to Notify Congress within 48 hours of sending troops into a foreign country. Bring troops home within 60 days unless both houses voted for them to stay.

19 Nixon’s Foreign Policy
Nixon & Mao Zedong (China) open the door to diplomatic relations. Detente – bring about a warming of the cold war. SALT Talks – Agreement in 1972 to limit the number of missiles a nation could keep.

20 Nixon’s Domestic Policies

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