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Report of TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, UBC

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1 Report of TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, UBC
(2019, February 08) Co-chairs Eiji Kako (KEK) Wolf-Dietrich Moeller (DESY) W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

2 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
Outline New member list Report from SPC meeting for TTC at TRIUMF Discussions Comments from TTC-TB members Proposal of new chairs in TTC High-Q/High-G WG Topics for in-depth discussion in the next TTC Proposal of WG-organization in the next TTC Others W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

3 Process of renewal of TTC-TB members (1)
1. TB chairs ask all TTC-TB members their intentions to continue as a member of TB and their possibilities to participate the TTC meetings (requirement > 50%), by in coordination with TTC chair (Hans). . As the results, several TTC-TB members decided to leave the TB. W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

4 Process of renewal of TTC-TB members (2)
2. TB chairs proposed new TB members as experts in each technical area taking into consideration with a regional/Lab. balance and discussed with TTC chair & deputy and regional representatives. Retirement New member S. Bousson (IPN-Orsay) → D. Longuevergne (IPN-Orsay)   G. Ciovati (Jlab) → A. Palczewski (JLab) C. Ginsburg (FNAL) → Z. Conway (ANL) M. Champion (ORNL) → C. Hovater (JLab) C. Madec (CEA) → S. Berry (CEA) T. Peterson (SLAC) → A. Burrill (SLAC)     H. Hayano (KEK) → H. Sakai (KEK) Sang-Ho Kim (SNS) → E. Harms (FNAL) S. Schreiber (DESY) → J. Branlard (DESY) Additional new member N. Sakamoto (RIKEN) : to improve regional balance and to increase a low-beta cavity expert. T. Arkan (FNAL) and K. Jensch (DESY) : for more importance of cryomodule experts. O. Napoly (CEA) and H. Padamsee (Cornell) : in Honoris Causa as former TTC chairs. W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

5 Process of renewal of TTC-TB members (3)
3. Confirmation of new TB members in TTC-CB meeting. New TB members have been approved in TTC CB meeting at TRIUMF in Tuesday night. W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

6 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
New TTC-TB member list Co-chairs E. Kako (KEK) W.-D. Moeller (DESY) Cavity and couplers S. Calatroni (CERN) R.L. Geng (JLab) J. Hao (PKU) D. Reschke (DESY) A. Romanenko (FNAL) K. Umemori (KEK) J.Y. Zhai (IHEP) J. Mammosser (ORNL) D. Longuevergne (IPNO) A. Palczewski (JLab) Z. Conway (ANL) N. Sakamoto (RIKEN) RF and tuning F. Gerigk (CERN) A. Wheelhouse (STFC) C. Hovater (JLab) Cryomodule and cryogenics H. Nakai (KEK) A. Burrill (SLAC) S. Berry (CEA) T. Arkan (FNAL) K. Jensch (DESY) Integration and operation M. Liepe (Cornell) H. Sakai (KEK) E. Harms (FNAL) J. Branlard (DESY) Honoris causa C. Pagani (INFN) M. Ross (SLAC) O. Napoly (CEA) H. Padamsee (Cornell) Black = continued (14) Green = new member (14) Total = 28 (EU=10, NA=12, Asia=6) Regeonal representative P. Pierini (ESS) A. Yamamoto (CERN/KEK) S. Belomestnykh (FNAL) Invitation letter has been sent to new TB members after TTC CB meeting, Tuesday night. All of new members have accepted. W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

7 SPC meeting for TTC at TRIUMF
Scientific Program Committee meeting by ZOOM meeting system ; (SPC members; Bob, Hans, Kako, Wolf-Dietrich, Paolo, Sergey, Akira) 1st SPC meeting, 2018’ Oct. 26th (Fri) 2nd SPC meeting, 2018’ Oct. 31st (Wed) 3rd SPC meeting, 2018’ Nov. 2th (Fri) 4th SPC meeting, 2018’ Nov. 7th (Wed) 5th SPC meeting, 2018’ Nov. 9th (Fri) 6th SPC meeting, 2018’ Nov. 16th (Fri) 7th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2018’ Nov. 29th (Thu) 8th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2018’ Dec. 5th (Wed) 9th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2018’ Dec. 13th (Thu) 10th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2018’ Dec. 20th (Thu) 11th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2019’ Jan. 16th (Wed) 12th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2019’ Jan. 23th (Wed) 13th SPC meeting with WG conveners, 2019’ Jan. 31st (Thu) Thanks Bob for strong leadership !! W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

8 WG-organization in TTC at TRIUMF
Two parallel sessions: 4 WGs WG1: Performance Limitation in Operational Facilities Rongli Geng (JLab), Julien Branlard (DESY) and Yuan He (IMP) WG2: Cold Test Diagnostics and Novel Processing Martina Martinello (FNAL), Oliver Kugeler (HZB) and Hongtao Hou (SINAP) WG3: Progress on the Development in High Q and High Gradient Alex Romanenko (FNAL), Marc Wenskat (DESY) and Kensei Umemori (KEK) WG4: Cryomodule Types: Characteristics and Issues Tom Nichol (FNAL), Stephane Berry (CEA) and Naruhiko Sakamoto (RIKEN) Hot-topic: How to safely transport cryomodules around the world? Tom Peterson (SLAC), Genfa Wu (FNAL) and Felix Schlander (ESS) Thanks to WG conveners !! W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

9 Schedule of TTC meeting at TRIUMF
8 plenary talks: TRIUMF, FRIB, High-Q/High-G, LCLS-II, Crab cavity, 3 Topical WS reports from LLRF, Thin Film and Flux Trapping 2 special seminars: mSR and beta-NMR, XFEL- First Science W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

10 Participants and WG-organization
Location Date Participants Parallel WGs TRIUMF 2019, Feb. 108 2-para 4 WGs RIKEN 2018, June 140 INFN-Milano 2018, Feb. 178 MSU 2017, Feb. 123 2-para. CEA-Saclay 2016, July 127 SLAC 2015, Dec. 130 KEK 2014, Dec. 6 WGs DESY 2014, Mar. 129 3-para. 9 WGs JLab 2012, Nov. 154 plenary IHEP 2011, Dec. 96 3 WGs W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

11 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
Outline New member list Report from SPC meeting for TTC at TRIUMF Discussions Comments from TTC-TB members Proposal of new chairs in TTC High-Q/High-G WG Topics for in-depth discussion in the next TTC Proposal of WG-organization in the next TTC Others W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

12 Comments from TTC-TB members
Summary of discussion: We had a discussion on “too many and overlapping meetings”. There were two TTC regular meetings (Milano, RIKEN) and three TTC topical meetings (LLRF, Thin Film, Flux Trapping) in 2018’. Conclusion: TB does not initiate to organize “TTC topical meeting”. TB offers to help with coordination and scheduling. TB will have an intermediate TB meeting, if necessary. (TTC-TB meeting will be held during the SRF2019 conference for discussing WG topics for the next TTC meeting.) W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

13 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
Proposal of new chairs in TTC High-Q/High-G WG In the last TTC-CB meeting at RIKEN, the consensus was that we should have a rotating leadership with the following benefits - to keep the ideas fresh, to reduce the commitment of a particular chair and to give ambitious young researchers a chance to lead the discussions. A suggested leadership cycle would span two TTC meetings. In the TTC-CB meeting at TRIUMF, Duration of chair persons: around 2 years Chair persons would be proposed by TB chairs: Co-chairs of TTC High-Q/High-G WG; Ari Palczewski (JLab) Martina Martinello (FNAL) Agreed !! (WG activities will be reported in the next TTC-CB meeting by co-chairs.) W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

14 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
Proposal of WG topics for in-depth discussion Coating techniques / thin films Discussion (hot topic) on what the vendors can deliver: prepared cavity, conditioned couplers, tests, etc.? Progress on High-Q and high-G Accelerator commissioning plans and start-up operational experience in FRIB, ESS, LCLS2 and other projects Interlocks and threshold settings for stable beam operation Cryomodule assembly procedures; QA protocols Performance recovery techniques Optimization of cryogenic system, He inventory and supply New peripheral components like couplers, tuners, shields, feedthroughs TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08 W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK)

15 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
Proposal of WG-organization in the next TTC We keep the present organization: 2 parallel sessions, 4 WGs. …… W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

16 Thank you for your attention.
W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

17 TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, 2019' February 08
W.-D. Moeller (DESY) E. Kako (KEK) TTC-TB meeting at TRIUMF, ' February 08

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