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Introduction to Fractions

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1 Introduction to Fractions

2 Fractions are equal parts of whole things.
What are Fractions? Fractions are equal parts of whole things. This is a whole circle. 1 part of the whole circle 1 part of the whole circle 1 part of the whole circle 1 part of the whole circle

3 What are Fractions? They can also be parts of collections.
For example: - I had 6 pencils in my pencil case. - My friend asked me to share my pencils. - I grouped my pencils into two equal groups. - Half of 6 is 3.

4 Gillian broke her cookie into quarters to share with her friends.
Fractions All Around Gillian broke her cookie into quarters to share with her friends.

5 I have half a glass of milk left.
Fractions All Around I have half a glass of milk left.

6 Fractions All Around Jamal played half a game of soccer.

7 Brainstorming Fractions
In small groups, brainstorm other ways fractions are used in everyday life. Report your ideas back to the class.

8 Creating Your Fractions Flip Book
As a class, put together your Fractions Flip Book. You will need:

9 Halves When an object or collection is divided into two equal parts, each part is called a half.

10 What do you see in the following pictures?
Examples of Halves What do you see in the following pictures?

11 There is half a pizza left, or half of the pizza is gone.

12 Half of the triangle is coloured pink.

13 There is half a sandwich left, or half of the sandwich is gone.

14 Quarters When an object is evenly divided into four parts, each part becomes a quarter. one quarter + = one quarter + one whole one quarter + one quarter

15 3 boxes is three quarters
You can have one quarter, two quarters or three quarters of a whole object. Look at the boxes that are red in each cube. 1 box is one quarter 2 boxes is two quarters 3 boxes is three quarters

16 What do you see in the following pictures?
Examples of Quarters What do you see in the following pictures?

17 There is three quarters of the pizza left, or one quarter is gone.

18 One quarter of the square is coloured yellow.

19 There is one quarter of the cookie left, or three quarters is gone.

20 One quarter of the apple has been cut off.

21 Fractions Worksheet Pack
Complete pages in your Fractions Worksheet Pack.

22 Thirds When an object or collection is divided into 3 equal parts, each part becomes a third. one third one third one third

23 Thirds You can have one third or two thirds of a whole object.
Look at the sections that are green in each rectangle. 1 box is one third 2 boxes is two thirds

24 What do you see in the following pictures?
Examples of Thirds What do you see in the following pictures?

25 One third of the pizza is left, or two thirds of the pizza has been eaten.

26 The jug has 100 ml of water in it. It is one third full.

27 One third of the circle is coloured purple.

28 One third of the donut is left, or two thirds have been eaten.

29 Fifths When an object or collection is evenly divided into 5 equal parts, each part becomes a fifth.

30 5 boxes is five fifths or one whole
You can have one fifth, two fifths, three fifths or four fifths of a whole object. Look at the sections that are yellow in each rectangle. 1 box is one fifth 2 boxes is two fifths 3 boxes is three fifths 4 boxes is four fifths 5 boxes is five fifths or one whole

31 What do you see in the following pictures?
Examples of Fifths What do you see in the following pictures?

32 One fifth of the pentagon is coloured orange.

33 One fifth of the pizza is gone, or four fifths of the pizza is left.

34 One fifth of the cookie is left, or four fifths of the cookie is gone.

35 One fifth of the star is coloured yellow.

36 Fractions Worksheet Pack
Complete pages 5-6 in your Fractions Worksheet Pack.

37 Eighths When an object or collection is evenly divided into 8 parts, each part becomes an eighth.

38 What do you see in the following pictures?
Examples of Eighths What do you see in the following pictures?

39 One eighth of the sandwich is left, seven eighths of the sandwich is gone.

40 One eighth of the chocolate bar is left, or seven eighths of the chocolate bar is gone.

41 One eighth of the rectangle is coloured yellow.

42 Fractions Worksheet Pack
Complete page 7 in your Fractions Worksheet Pack.

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