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Unit 2 United States History

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1 Unit 2 United States History
Changes on the Western Frontier ~Themes~ Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8

2 Ch 13 - Cultures Clash on the Prairie
Ch 13.1: The cattle industry boomed in the late 1800s as the culture of the Plains Indians declined.

3 Ch 13.2 - Settling the Great Plains
Settlers on the Great Plains transformed the land despite great hardships.

4 Ch 13.3 - Framers and Populist Movement
Farmers united to address their economic problems, giving rise to the Populist movement.

5 Ch 14 - A New Industrial Age
Ch The Expansion of Industry At the end of the 19th century, natural resources, creative ideas, and growing markets fueled and industrial boom.

6 Ch 14.2 - The Age of Railroads
The growth and consolidation of railroads benefited the nation but also led to corruption and required government regulation.

7 Ch 14.3 - Big Business and Labor
The expansion of industry resulted in the growth of big business and prompted laborers to form unions to better their lives.

8 Ch 15 - Immigration and Urbanization
Ch The new immigrants Immigration from Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, and Mexico reached a new high in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

9 Ch 15.2 - The Challenges of Urbanization
The rapid growth of cities forced people to contend with problems of housing, transportation, water, and sanitation.

10 Ch 15.3 - Politics in the Gilded Age
Local and National political corruption in the 19th century led to calls for reform.

11 Ch 16 - Life at the Turn of the Century
Ch Advances in science and technology helped solve urban problems, including overcrowding.

12 Ch 16.2 - Expanding Public Education
Reforms in public education led to a rise in national literacy and the promotion of public education.

13 Ch 16.3 - Segregation and Discrimination
African-American led the fight against voting restrictions and Jim Crow laws.

14 Ch 16.4 - The Dawn of Mass Culture
As Americans had more time for leisure activities, a modern mass culture emerged.

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