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Century of Imperial War

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1 Century of Imperial War
Big D Fuego The T’s

2 Century of Imperial War
As a result of French and Britain ambitions different wars occurred for the conquering of the new world. As the 18th century progressed, the views of the colonists as well as their character changed.

3 King William's and Queen Anne's Wars
Remained the same for territorial control High stakes for their rivalries. Native Americans suffered as a result of the two wars

4 King George's War and Its Aftermath
Inspired Americans to gain control and settle west. The treaty was a disappointment since the colonies did not move Undeclared warfare in the Ohio valley, 1750’s.

5 Albany Congress and Braddock's Defeat
Benjamin Franklin proposes a plan for colonial defense and westward expansion. It is rejected by the colonial assemblies. To stop the French from expanding the British led unsuccessful attack to the Ohio valley where fort Duquesne was located.

6 Seven Years' War The English wanted to move The French out of Mississippi Valley. May 18, 1756 : British declared war on France. In America it was the French and Indian War and the Seven Years War in Europe. William Pitt became head of the ministry in 1756 (army and navy). Victory in America caused economic problems in the future. 1758- captured Louisburg cutting supply for France. Sep. 8, 1760 French surrender in Montreal. Feb. 10, 1763:Peace of Paris gave Britain territory in Canada, Florida, and all east of Mississippi river.

7 Perceptions of War America was drawn into closer contact with the British. George Washington- learned that the British were not invincible. British officials accused Americans Americans became aware of what they had become after the Seven Years’ War. British noticed how unorganized America was. James Wolfe (Hero of Quebec) perception of Americans after the war.


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