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Is that all there is? A conversation regarding additional contributions and support amateur radio volunteers can provide their sponsoring organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Is that all there is? A conversation regarding additional contributions and support amateur radio volunteers can provide their sponsoring organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is that all there is? A conversation regarding additional contributions and support amateur radio volunteers can provide their sponsoring organizations

2 Hello and welcome crowd poll Who is here….. where do you come from….

3 Purpose & Scope Conversation
Explore best practices and relevant solutions/suggestions Sharing of ideas

4 First things first – do your job well !!
Ensure assignment expectations Quality performance Good policy good plans good procedures Work plans and mission goals

5 Supporting your organization
Everyone has skills What did you do before volunteering What do you do now How can your previous (or current) position & skills help the cause

6 Make yourself known…. What do I know What can I do What do you need\

7 So where can I provide support: ...other than on the air !!
ECC/EOC support Message center Runners documentation unit support Logistics – research skills

8 In the office Database management support Plan development
Policy development

9 Training & exercise support
Controllers Victims Evaluators Designers

10 Tools & Equipment R&D Technical expertise Private industry perspective
Discipline knowledge

11 Work to be part of the TEAM
Department meetings Part of annual planning efforts Work plan development

12 Be part of your sponsoring organizations’ process !!

13 Work to make yourself valuable
education technical skills organizational worth what do you need how can I help

14 Questions ?? Dominic v Marzano

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