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Warm Up:.

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1 Warm Up:



4 With your team make sure you have:
Warm Up: With your team make sure you have: Statement arguing against the charges Statement accusing another group of murder and explaining why Think about questions that the jury will ask and be prepared to answer them!

5 WHO/WHAT is responsible for the death of 3 million Taino Indians?
Today’s Question: WHO/WHAT is responsible for the death of 3 million Taino Indians?

6 Agenda: 5 minutes for final preparation Trial
Jury deliberates (decides) Trial Write Up: Who do you think is guilty?

7 Make sure you have: Statement arguing against the charges
Statement accusing another group of murder and explaining why Think about questions that the jury will ask and be prepared to answer them!

8 Procedure: Prosecutor will read the charges
Defendant will read statement arguing against charges AND accuse one other group of the crime Jury will question defendant Audience members may question defendant

9 Reminder of expectations:
One person speaks at a time Be respectful of EVERYBODY’S opinion Hold your questions until question time


11 While the jury is deliberating:
Think about who you think is guilty of the murder of the Taino Indians? You may assign “percentage guilt” (one party is 25% guilty, another is 60%, etc). Create a pie chart to show your answer. Underneath the pie chart, Write 3-5 sentences explaining why you assigned each group guilt.

12 Class Discussion/Wrap Up:
Was anyone entirely not guilty? Did the prosecutor convince you that the Tainos were in part responsible for their own deaths? Why didn’t the Tainos kill Columbus on his first voyage? Can you imagine a peaceful meeting between Europeans and Tainos? Or did the “System of Empire” make violence inevitable?


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