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Chapter 14 Families.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Families."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Families

2 Family Processes Family System
Cognition and Emotion in Family Processes Sociocultural and Historical Changes

3 SES SES-Socioeconomic Status: Measure of social standing compared to others based on three factors: occupation, income, education How does it affect parenting? What are other SES influences?

4 Parenting Transition to Parenting Infancy and Early Childhood
Middle and Late Childhood Parents as Managers

5 Parenting Styles Authoritarian Indulgent Neglectful Authoritative

6 Parenting Styles (cont.)
Parenting Styles in Context Punishment Co-parenting

7 Child Maltreatment Physical Abuse Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Sexual Abuse Child Neglect Context of Abuse Consequences of Abuse


9 Siblings Relationships Sibling Rivalry Birth Order

10 Working Parents Read pages Working Mothers Latchkey Children

11 Children of Divorce Divorce Rates Child Adjustment Unhappy Marriages
Family Processes Child Vulnerability/Negative Consequences SES and Divorce

12 Talking with Children About Divorce
Read Page 439

13 Stepfamilies Good Bad Ugly

14 Gay and Lesbian Families
Read pages (short paragraph)

15 Study Guide Understand and be able to explain the concept of “family as a system”. What are issues that prospective parents need to explore? What are changes they can expect with their first, and successive, children (and from birth to late childhood)? What is the role of “parents as managers”? Regarding the various parenting styles: be able to describe and identify them, and be able to describe the outcomes for children for each style (there are four styles). Why is co-parenting important? Regarding the types of child maltreatment: be able to identify examples of each. What are the consequences of child maltreatment? Why are siblings important? What are the different types of sibling interactions? What is sibling rivalry? What is the parent role in mediating sibling conflict?

16 Study Guide (cont.) What are the positives and negatives involved with working parents? What are “latchkey children” and what issues are important involving latchkey children? Be able to list the positives and negatives of children experiencing divorce. What should parents do to help children through the transitions of divorce? What should parents try to avoid? Who experiences the biggest changes in SES and why (mothers or fathers)? What suggestions does your book give for talking to children of divorce? What are different types of stepfamilies, and which have the best outcomes? What does the research say about stepparents as disciplinarians?

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