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Welcome to Honors English!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Honors English!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Honors English!
Please come in, grab the handout on the table, and have a seat!


3 Syllabus

4 Course Info Ms. Courtney Melton Room 105 Honors English I in the fall
AP Human Geography and Honors English in the Spring

5 Course Content Language Communication Literature Informational Text
Research Logic Writing


7 Classwork and Homework
Remember that all work has a purpose—NOTHING is busy work! I PROMISE! Homework is due WHEN YOU WALK IN MY DOOR. NO EXCEPTIONS. All graded work in Honors English falls under one of four categories: Reading and Understanding Tasks (10%) Expressing Understanding Tasks (50%) Extension Tasks (10%) Culminating Tasks (30%) Most assessments will be in the form of Cold Read Tasks, Culminating Assessments (Writing), or Extension Tasks (research/writing). Additionally, honors students are required to complete an Honors Component to gain the three honors points.

8 Expectations Check the board for bellringer and organize your area.
THINK and have an OPINION. Participate! Take notes! Be Prompt!

9 Your Responsibilities
My Responsibilities Your Responsibilities Treat you with RESPECT Provide you with an orderly classroom Provide necessary discipline Teach required content Give my best effort Treat me and your peers with RESPECT Be cooperative, not disruptive—this includes talking when you shouldn’t Do required work Master the required content Come to class ready to learn and work

10 Tutoring and Extra Help
Patriot XL Grove HCHS During School: Videos with practice sheets to enhance close reading skills. Complete makeup work Club Meetings: You may attend meetings ONLY if you have a 90 in my class, complete work, and good attendance.

11 Absences 5 days for the ENTIRE YEAR
You’re responsible for checking for work you missed. You may ask during breaks, the beginning of class, or the end of class, but do not interrupt instruction. Check Google Classroom.

12 Technology Tech Breaks: Device must be put away in my classroom.
Must be on silent at all times—NOT VIBRATE. Misuse=take up phone 5 days first time, 10 days the second, and end of year for the third infraction. Chromebooks: Used daily ONLY use your assigned Chromebook Misuse is the same as cell phone Hold Chromebooks from the base with BOTH HANDS. DO NOT hold by the screen. 4th block must shut down every day Be sure to change your channel to 105 each day **Assign someone to plug in Chromebooks at the end of the day.

13 Restroom During breaks If there is an emergency, please let me know.
I will be flexible unless privileges are abused.

14 Final Exams and Grading
Exemptions: 3 or less attendance events + A= Exempt 2 or less attendance events + B= Exempt 1 or less attendance events + C= Exempt Grading Scale: A= B=85-92 C=75-84 D=70-74 F=0-60

15 Honors Component Completed before MQ 2 Research project Media Rich
MUST be completed by the due date or class will not count as an honors class on transcript. Adds 3 points to final grade

16 Procedures Pencil Sharpening Transitions If the phone rings
Restroom Breaks Food and Drink Discussions—accountable talk, respect 3 ,2,1, 0 Late grades

17 Participation If you don’t know an answer, respond “I don’t know, but I want to find out.” “I don’t know” is not an acceptable response We accept everyone’s answers, no comments. STAY ON TOPIC

18 Dismissal The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
Make sure to leave your binder and journal in the classroom!

19 Consequences If you misbehave, I may place an infraction notice on your desk. Please return it to me signed. 1st- warning (This may be written or verbal) 2nd- conference and phone call home. 3rd- Referral to office. In some circumstances, I may give a write-off or an essay for repeated behavior. If you do not complete it, you will go to ISS until it is finished.

20 THIN K before you speak: Is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Important?
Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

21 Remind 101 and Google Classroom
My class will use Remind in order to stay in touch throughout the year. Please ask your student about the Remind code for parents!  We will use Google Classroom for work this semester, as well.

22 Plagiarism/cheating=ZER O
Last thoughts… Plagiarism/cheating=ZER O Interactive Notebooks must be well-organized and used according to the guidelines given.

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