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RESAP for The Tree Minded

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1 RESAP for The Tree Minded
Clarence Greene Director Of Loss Prevention At Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives

2 Kentucky’s Issues 26 Electric Coops
25 of those are available to us as RESAP coops Bill Massey long time administrator has a stroke Clarence Greene develops staff infection that won’t go away RESAP in change How we work now

3 Our Coops 18 have achieved RESAP success 8 have not tried the program
One is actually a Tennessee cooperative with limited KY services Two are power plants Big Rivers and East KY Power

4 Stats On Coops 65000 members to 18000 members
We have two on the hook trying for Achievement Recognition Others would like to but need extra encouragement

5 How We Worked During Illness Year
Kendall and David were life savers in this program We were nearing end of year and needed to finish They broke up into two separate teams and completed the RESAP processes Utilizing our trained safety coordinators throughout the state

6 Pre-Inspections Some coops like a walk thru and hit the high spots during the year Some want no pre inspections One wanted total surprise for the real deal. We even did a pre-inspection for a neighboring state cooperative.

7 Verification Items I get a letter from RESAP about what is needed from the coop to verify. About a week ahead of inspection I send this to them. If surprise they get it day of inspection first thing in the morning. So far they have all produced the documents

8 Inspection Day Usually four team members from area coops
Each member gets an On Site Observation Book Each team member gets some specific look fors while the general inspection is going on Note keeper for items and truck numbers found Sometime we take pictures We allow two days for each coop KAEC picks up tab for inspectors

9 Pre Conference One is offered by verbal and to manager and coop contact Discuss what we are doing and looking for Make the coop at ease with us We offer this but sometime the manager will not make it but always the closing conference.

10 The Inspection Beginning with trucks at largest facility
Warehouses and equipment Office and administrative areas Outside facilities including wires and poles in service Look at underground systems Look at overhead systems


12 Notes We note good things and things that need improvement
Usually give the accompanying coop employee a look at what we have found for any explanation Sometime we ask what you d in certain cases

13 Questioning Coop Employees
One team member ask questions or interviews the employees at different locations about operation items. We compare answers between coop locations.

14 When Done Outside Inspecting

15 The Old School

16 Some Things Appear Ok

17 Sometimes They Are Not

18 Look at Work and Discuss Pros and Cons

19 Wear Proper Apparel For Crew Visits
Don’t offer to help with work, some union shops don’t like this

20 Open Underground and Inspect

21 See What The Employees Know About System

22 Old Hookers

23 Observe Workers

24 Inspect the Unusual and Different

25 Old KAEC Safety Witch

26 Un-Announced Inspections Have Surprises

27 We Observe and Discuss Issues

28 Will The Sling Protect Us If Pole Drops?

29 Good Neutral Cover-up Prepare For The Lineman Lawyer

30 Outside Completed We meet with coop escort Discuss findings
RESAP On Line Forms Completed Compile notes for closing conference CEO and coop escort and others in conference room Tell it like it is good and bad Some want a formal letter

31 New Item For 2013 KAEC CEO Sends Initial Letter to CEO about RESAP is due this year and advises contacting KAEC Safety for directions. You have to have buy in……….

32 Remember Andy and Deena Grant Reichwien Daughter Alexis
Andy died in a power line accident in 2009 Deena died in November 2012 with lifelong health challenges

33 Have a Safe Week September 29, 1913 – April 13, 1973 May 18, 2012-
My dad on the left at Kennedy Bridge between Mercer and Garrad County mid 1920’s Hallee Greene, still kicking If living he would be 100 September 29, 1913 – April 13, 1973 May 18, 2012-

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