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Structure of Wt1 genomic regions in human and zebrafish.

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1 Structure of Wt1 genomic regions in human and zebrafish.
Structure of Wt1 genomic regions in human and zebrafish. (A) The genomic regions surrounding WT1 on human chromosome 11 and wt1a and wt1b on zebrafish chromosomes 25 and 18, respectively, are shown (modified from the Ensembl genome browser, release 49). Colored boxes represent genes that are syntenic between the human WT1 and the zebrafish wt1a and wt1b loci. Gray boxes represent non-syntenic genes. Genes above the double lines are transcribed in the same direction as Wt1, genes below in the opposite direction. (B) Higher magnifications of the areas indicated by dashed rectangles in A, illustrating the fragments used for the generation of transgenic fish lines. The 5′-to-3′ orientation of the genes is indicated by arrows. The gene marked by an asterisk is predicted by the Ensembl genome browser (gene A2BG01). The function of this gene is not known and no orthologs in other vertebrates were predicted. Black vertical bars indicate restriction enzyme sites. Frank Bollig et al. Development 2009;136: © © 2009.

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