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Areas & sites with significant mana whenua values - Pam Guest

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Presentation on theme: "Areas & sites with significant mana whenua values - Pam Guest"— Presentation transcript:

1 Areas & sites with significant mana whenua values - Pam Guest

2 Loss of mana whenua relationships

3 Degradation of more discrete sites

4 Plan framework for mana whenua areas & sites of significance

5 Provisions addressed in my s42A
Region-wide provisions Nga Taonga Nui a Kiwi Schedule B Objective 16, Policy 18 Significant sites: Schedule C Objective O33 Policies P44 P45

6 Key issues in submissions
Policy approach to manage Ngā Taonga Nui a Kiwa Policy approach to manage sites of significance Schedule B details Schedule C details

7 Key issues in submissions
Policy approach to manage Ngā Taonga Nui a Kiwa Policy approach to manage sites of significance Protect & restore Tailor management to site Mitigation hierarchy Cultural impact assessment Existing use & regionally significant infrastructure Written consent from iwi Schedule B details Schedule C details

8 Outstanding issues O33: qualify protect and restore * P45: established activities, RSI, and modified sites * P45: delete written consent from Iwi * Regulatory approach for Schedule B * Increase clarity of objective/policy framework (combine/amend O14, O16, O33; P44 & P45) * Manage cumulative effects * Add Rangitatau Wāhi Tapu Area

9 Matters to reconsider * Reword P45(d) to identify iwi as affected parties Consider: * combining P44 & P45; O14 &16 (but not to detail requested) * adding a site to Schedule C

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