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Mrs. McMorrow Month of: December 2018

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1 Mrs. McMorrow Month of: December 2018
December was filled with fun and laughter! We had a few spirit days where we got to wear pajamas and red and green! We also enjoyed the Winter Slideshow and Sing-A-Long with the whole school! This month, we learned about the Multiplication Properties and how to multiply and divide by 0 and by 1. Also, we dove into the topic of fractions. Students learned how identify and represent a fraction with a visual model and on a number line! In ELA, we have been focusing on reading non-fiction texts. We are identifying main ideas and details to organize information from the text. We also practiced identifying character traits of characters while reading. We have finished our spelling units focusing on closed and vowel consonant e syllables and suffixes! We have wrapped up our unit on Motion and Force after our visit from the Discovery Museum (thank you to the PTO)! Before the winter break, students participated in a STEM activity with snowflakes and a gingerbread man trap! We have completed our unit studying Plainville and are wrapping up Pilgrims and Native Americans. Soon, we will begin our unit focusing on the history of Massachusetts. Students have drafted many expository paragraphs after learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans! They have also recently finished an opinion piece on whether or not they would escape a snow globe! Pictures coming soon! A volunteer slip will be coming home after winter break. Please contact me if you are able to volunteer in 3M! All types of visits are welcome!

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