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Panel Reviewer Training Overview 1 ANA Objective Panel Review Process Each year, ANA convenes panels of experts to objectively analyze and score eligible.

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2 Panel Reviewer Training Overview 1

3 ANA Objective Panel Review Process Each year, ANA convenes panels of experts to objectively analyze and score eligible grant applications. These scores are used to rank eligible applications which help ANA decide which eligible tribes or native organizations will receive funds. Being a panel reviewer is an integral part of ANAs funding process and affords participants the opportunity to have a significant impact in native communities. 2

4 Produced by the Administration for Native Americans ANA awards grants The Funding Process Provide panel comments to applicants Offer Technical Assistance to unfunded applicants ANA screens applications ANA reviews applications in funding range Reviewers analyze and score applications, facilitators summarize comments. 3 ANA Publishes Funding Opportunity Announcement

5 The Review Process Application Review Individual review and analysis of all assigned applications Comments and scores entered into ARM Panel Meetings (Conference Calls) Group discussion focused on noted differences in scoring and analysis Panel Summary Reports Consolidated comments and scores are approved by ANA Produced by the Administration for Native Americans 4

6 Responsibilities Produced by the Administration for Native Americans 5 REVIEWER -Read and understand FOA for assigned program area -Analyze the applications based on ANA Evaluation Criteria. - Score applications - Support score by commenting on strengths and weaknesses in application - Participate in panel review discussions. REVIEWER -Read and understand FOA for assigned program area -Analyze the applications based on ANA Evaluation Criteria. - Score applications - Support score by commenting on strengths and weaknesses in application - Participate in panel review discussions. FACILITATOR -Read and understand FOA for assigned program area -Review applications - Develop and maintain application review schedule. - Facilitate application discussion, ensure participation and guide discussion. - Create panel summary report - Facilitate feedback and communication between SAM and panel reviewers. FACILITATOR -Read and understand FOA for assigned program area -Review applications - Develop and maintain application review schedule. - Facilitate application discussion, ensure participation and guide discussion. - Create panel summary report - Facilitate feedback and communication between SAM and panel reviewers. PAM -Review applications -Approve panel summary report - Approve Final Scores - Provide overall guidance and feedback to SAM PAM -Review applications -Approve panel summary report - Approve Final Scores - Provide overall guidance and feedback to SAM SAM -Review applications -Provide FOA guidance to the Facilitator and reviewers - Review panel summary reports -Provide overall guidance and feedback to facilitator -Facilitate feedback and communication between PAM and facilitators SAM -Review applications -Provide FOA guidance to the Facilitator and reviewers - Review panel summary reports -Provide overall guidance and feedback to facilitator -Facilitate feedback and communication between PAM and facilitators

7 Roles 6 PAM SAM Reviewer Facilitator Produced by the Administration for Native Americans

8 Expectations All reviewers and facilitators are expected to take leave from work to dedicate a full week to this assignment. The responsibility could range from 8-12 hours per day, and may include some reading over the weekend. Read and understand ANAs FOA. Complete all scheduled Panel Review and ARM virtual training in advance of the panel session Read all applications and submit comments based on the schedule provided by the Facilitator. Evaluate and score all applications according to the criteria provided. Participate in panel discussions for all applications. Maintain objectivity during review of applications. Respond in a timely manner to all e-mail and phone correspondence from the Facilitator, SAM or PAM. Be respectful and considerate of fellow panel reviewers and facilitator Produced by the Administration for Native Americans 7

9 What is it really like… Trainings get everyone geared up. First application is exciting. The week gets busy! Long phone conversations. Learning and capacity building. There will be revisions. The process can be intense, but is rewarding. 8

10 Technology Requirements Internet connection Computer Printer Scanning ability Telephone and/or VoIP capabilities (conference calls may last 1-2 hours per application. Unlimited calling plans are preferred if using mobile phone) 9 Produced by the Administration for Native Americans

11 Four Steps to become an ANA Reviewer or Facilitator Step 1- Selection Submit a reviewer profile form, resume and writing sample. Complete required online pre-requisite training. Complete the Pre-Requisite Training Commitment survey ANA staff review profiles and writing samples. Confirm completion of the pre- requisite training and that the potential reviewer has submitted the Expectations document. ANA determines the number of applications submitted to confirm the number of reviewers required for each panel review session. Step 2 -Notification ANA will send out notifications letting you know if you have or have not been selected as a reviewer. Those selected will be asked to participate in additional required training in preparation for the start of panel review. Produced by the Administration for Native Americans 10

12 Step 3 – Required training Produced by the Administration for Native Americans 11 TrainingTopicsParticipants 1. Panel Review Training Part 1Overview of the FOA, how to analyze applications, and the panel review process PAMs, SAMs, Facilitators and Reviewers 2. Panel Review Training Part 2Writing comments and scoring applications PAMs, SAMs, and Reviewers (Facilitators are optional) 3. Facilitator TrainingFacilitating discussions, managing workloads, communication, developing panel summary reports PAMs, SAMs, and Facilitators 4. ARM Training (completed on your own via the Panel Review website) How to utilize the web-based ARM system Facilitators and Reviewers ANA staff will confirm all reviewers and facilitators participation in all required trainings.

13 Step 4 – Panel Assignment Facilitators and Reviewers will be assigned to panels. You will be notified of your panel number and the applications assigned to you. Facilitators and Reviewers will be required to complete Conflict of Interest Forms for applications assigned to you. Each person will be asked by ANAs contractor, Tribal Tech to complete a W-9 form for reimbursement and payment. Produced by the Administration for Native Americans 12

14 You have now completed the Online pre-requisite training Please follow this link to complete a short survey verifying your completion. 13

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