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Model of Shp2-Ras-Sprouty2 signaling in lens and lacrimal gland development. Model of Shp2-Ras-Sprouty2 signaling in lens and lacrimal gland development.

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1 Model of Shp2-Ras-Sprouty2 signaling in lens and lacrimal gland development.
Model of Shp2-Ras-Sprouty2 signaling in lens and lacrimal gland development. In wild-type cells, Shp2 activates Ras-ERK signaling to induce Spry2 transcription but also suppresses Sprouty2 protein activity by tyrosine dephosphorylation, thus weakening the intensity of the Sprouty2-Ras negative feedback loop. In the Le-Cre;Shp2flox/flox;LSL-KrasG12D cells, the activated KrasG12D mutant was still able to induce Spry2 transcription, but the Sprouty2 protein was hyperphosphorylated in the absence of Shp2 phosphatase, resulting in stronger suppression of Ras signaling. Yi Pan et al. Development 2010;137: © 2010.

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