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Eomes mutant epiblast cells fail to contribute to the endoderm layer.

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1 Eomes mutant epiblast cells fail to contribute to the endoderm layer.
Eomes mutant epiblast cells fail to contribute to the endoderm layer. Fate-mapping analysis of the epiblast via Sox2.Cre and the ROSA26R reporter allele show that the outer endodermal layer (arrows) overlying the embryo of (A-A″) E7.75 control embryos is entirely derived from ROSA26-positive epiblast cells. (B-B″) EomesN/CA; Sox2.Cre; ROSA26R/+ mutant epiblast cells fail to contribute to the endoderm layer (arrows). Occasionally, single lacZ-positive cells are found in the endodermal layer, most probably owing to perdurance of Cre expressed in the early ICM from the Sox2.Cre transgene. Sebastian J. Arnold et al. Development 2008;135: © 2008.

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