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Exhale Plumb.

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Presentation on theme: "Exhale Plumb."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exhale Plumb

2 It's okay to not be okay This is a safe place This is a safe place

3 Don't be afraid Don't be ashamed There's still hope here There's still hope here

4 No matter what you've done or who you are Everyone is welcome His arms

5 Just let go Let His love wrap around you And hold you close Get lost in the surrender

6 Breathe it in until your heart breaks Then exhale Exhale

7 Spirit come Tear down the walls That only You can That only You can

8 Reconcile this heart to Yours Right now God Right now

9 Just let go Let His love wrap around you And hold you close Get lost in the surrender

10 Breathe it in until your heart breaks Then exhale Exhale

11 Oh God We breathe in your grace We breathe in your grace And exhale

12 Oh God we do not exist for us But to share Your grace and love And exhale

13 Oh God We breathe in your grace We breathe in your grace And exhale

14 Oh God we do not exist for us But to share Your grace and love And exhale

15 Just let go Let His love wrap around you And hold you close Get lost in the surrender

16 Breathe it in until your heart breaks Then exhale Exhale

17 Exhale Exhale Exhale (end)

18 “Exhale” words and music by Writer/s: JOSH SILVERBERG, MATTHEW ARMSTRONG, TIFFANY ARBUCKLE LEE Publisher: Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. CCLI #

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