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FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE 1 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India.

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1 FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE 1 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India

2 2 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE Actual world installed power ( energy needs ) is around 15 TW ; World installed power in the first years of 1900 was around 0,7 TW ; In 100 years we have increased 20 times the energy requirements ; Actual increase trend in installed energy power is around + 2 % / year ;

3 3 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE

4 4 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE We have instantaneous power from solar energy that can be converted directly or indirectly in useful renewable energy for all our world energy needs; Most promising fields of application of renewable energies in agriculture are : - biomass / biogas / biofuels ; - solar thermal / photovoltaics ; - wind power / small hydro ;

5 5 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE In this first case we have the storage of the irradiated energy into agricultural feedstocks that, than will be converted in different useful energy carriers (solid, biogas or liquid) ; This approach reduces pollution generated by fossil energy ; This approach, supported by new process and mechanization technologies helps to increase yelds in agricultural production and in feedstock transformation, till to permit to these energies to compete with fossil ones without fighting with the main objective of agriculture : food production ; Due to big R&D efforts on these topics there are many new promising possibilities : bioethanol via fungal enzymatic methods, transformation of heat from biomass with turbines, seebeck cells and trigeneration, direct production of electricity from microbial fuel cells with redox bacteria ; BIOMASS, BIOGAS, BIOFUELS

6 6 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE BIOGAS TREND

7 7 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE In this case we have not the storage of the irradiated energy, but efficient direct conversion of solar energy into heat or electrical energy ; we have to use the energy produced on site or place it into the grid ; This energy is really cost effective : actual costs of production are from 40 to 60 % less than fossil ( 2$c / kWhe ; 1,5$c /kWht ) ; These are technologies simple to apply also for rural electrification or for water pumping ; There is a strong state of the art : vacuum tubes for solar thermal (65 % ), high efficiency cells for PV (25% ), thermophotovoltaic modules (photovoltaic and thermal on the same panel and 75% ). Addictionally R&D efforts are reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of conversion ; SOLAR THERMAL, PHOTOVOLTAICS

8 8 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE PHOTOVOLTAICS TREND

9 9 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE In this case we have not the storage of the produced energy too (sometimes possible on small hydro), but efficient conversion of indirect solar energy into electrical energy ; we have to use this energy produced on site (irrigation) or place it into the grid for electrification; The electrical energy produced is cost effective : actual costs of production are from 10 to 30 % less than fossil ( 4-5 $c / kWhe ) ; These are technologies consolidated and reliable with simple manintenance ; Actual wind turbines have power from some W to 5-6 MW and the big ones have an efficiency near the maximum (Betz law) ; same state of the art for small hydro starting from some W to 1-2 MW with 90-95% ; WIND POWER, SMALL HYDRO

10 10 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE WIND POWER TREND

11 11 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE Actually these 3 renewable fields have a constant growth of more than 20 % / year ; They actually cover the 2,6% of the whole installed capacity ; These 3 renewable fields are perfectly sustainable ; They are in grid parity (or even better) with fossil fuels ; The 3 renewable fields can help the develop of rural areas reducing costs of energy ; The introduction of them can help the developement of a distributed national grid ;

12 12 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE In many of these installations we can use agricultural waste and municipal rubbish or wastewater and liquid manure to produce electrical and thermal energy useful also for thermal pasteurization of the final effluent ; In this case we reduce the pathogens and we increase the adsorption velocity of nutrinet substances in exiting effluent used as a fertilizer ; Some of these installations can be used to provide energy for crop watering, with the possibility of storage of the energy produced into the water ; Some of these installations can directly provide electrical and thermal energy for drying purposes ; The excess energy produced can be used to drive agricultural machinery ; SOME BEST PRACTICES

13 13 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE We are active in the field of biogas-biomass plants and machinery (the Agripower division), producing innovative cogeneration units and efficient biogas plants for all feedstocks ; We are active in the planning and construction of PV and PV-thermal power plants (Thermal-Photovoltaic division) ; We collaborate to the construction of wind power plants ; Naturally we historically produce mixing wagons for livestock feeding, (Unifeed division) machines and technologies for tratment of organic waste (Eco line division) like turning machines, selection screens and bio-choppers- mixers ; We are on the market of agricultural mechanization from 40 years ; SOME ABOUT US We are represented in 27 countries by 165 dealers ;

14 14 Fourth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery December 5-6, 2013 ~ New Delhi, India THANKS FOR ATTENTION SEKO S.P.A. Via Gorizia 90 35010 Curtarolo (PD) ITALY -

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