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Presentation on theme: "EDAMIS The new EDAMIS 4 EDAMIS and VALIDATION SERVICES User Group"— Presentation transcript:

Javier MANSO DEL VALLE Directorate B - Methodology; corporate statistical and IT services Eurostat October 9th, 2017

2 Agenda Why a new EDAMIS? What is new in EDAMIS 4 ?
Increased security Secure networks Easier to integrate Easier to use Better performance Updated Web Forms For more information

3 Why a new EDAMIS ?

4 Single Entry Policy Data collected by all organisations of the ESS arrives at a common reception area in Eurostat, where they can be automatically monitored, checked and delivered to the target production environment with a set of common informatics tools. Since July 1st 2008, it is compulsory to use EDAMIS for the transmission of all regular datasets to Eurostat. EDAMIS

5 Why a new EDAMIS? New business requirements coming from ESS Vision 2020 Adapt to changes in new technological landscape

6 ESS Vision 2020 Where do we want to be? How do we get there?
Five key areas for delivering our vision: Identifying user needs and cooperation with stakeholders Quality of European statistics New data sources Efficient and robust statistical processes Dissemination and communication on European statistics ESS = European Statistical System The ESS Vision 2020 is a common strategic response of the European Statistical System (Eurostat, EU Member States and EFTA countries) to the challenges that official statistics are facing. It was adopted by the ESS Committee in May 2014. More information on the ESS Vision 2020: The ESDEN project contributes to two of the five key areas defined in the ESS Vision 2020.

7 ESS Vision 2020 Key area 3: new data sources
We will exploit the potential of new data sources Find suitable technology to use new data sources A digital transformation is taking place across the globe: the data revolution is already presenting official statistics with profound strategic questions. The ever increasing availability of data is a trend that is of strategic relevance for official statistics. We want to harness new data sources to produce meaningful statistics. The possibility of using big data in the production of official statistics will be fully explored.

8 ESS Vision 2020 Key area 4: efficient and robust processes
Collaboration based on standards and common technological and statistical elements Sharing IT services and infrastructure We will use common methods and tools. We will explore other areas and use all the opportunities, in particular when dealing with new technology-driven areas like big data, open data and visualization techniques where we expect concrete opportunities to emerge. We will benefit from exchange of (micro)data, while fully respecting statistical confidentiality. CONCLUSION: all the elements of the ESS Vision 2020 explained so far call for a modernisation of the data exchange infrastructure.

9 Technological drivers
Adapt to changes in new technological landscape End of support for Java applets in browsers Change of underlying technologies New, re-written back-end in Java J2EE

10 ESDEN project ESDEN is a project of the ESS Vision 2020 Objective:
"Modernisation of the data exchange services across the ESS, increasing the data exchange capacity and upgrading the security to allow a more efficient and secure data exchange in the ESS"

11 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ?

12 What's NOT new? The role of EDAMIS as Single Entry Point
Core functionalities of EDAMIS Dataset Inventory: organisations, datasets Reports Reminders, notifications

13 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ? Increased security

14 Encryption: already in EDAMIS 3
Files encrypted with PGP Asymmetric encryption Key pair generated by Eurostat Private key kept by Eurostat Public key provided to data providers Encryption only from the NSI TO Eurostat EDAMIS maintains a list of public keys One key pair per domain What else do we want to add to this timetable?

15 Encryption: improved in EDAMIS 4
Encryption supported TO and FROM Eurostat Key management One encryption key for each dataset + receiving organisation EDAMIS keeps a list of all public keys Organisations can generate their own keys, and upload public keys in EDAMIS 4 What else do we want to add to this timetable?

16 Two-way encryption in EDAMIS 4
From Member States to Eurostat Encryption with the public key of the corresponding domain Public keys of all domains are available in the EDAMIS portal From Eurostat to Member State Organisations update their public key in the EDAMIS portal EDAMIS uses that public key to encrypt data sent to that organisation NSI What else do we want to add to this timetable? NSI

17 Example: EDAMIS 4 Web Portal
ESDEN EDAMIS 4 Web Portal What else do we want to add to this timetable? Application NSI

18 Encryption in EDAMIS 4 Web Portal
User attaches the file, which is encrypted in the browser PGP encryption Public key of the domain EDAMIS 4 ESDEN EDAMIS 4 Web Portal User submits the encrypted file HTTPS Internet / TESTA ESDEN delivers the file ESDEN keeps an encrypted copy of the file for a defined retention period User accesses EDAMIS HTTPS Internet / TESTA What else do we want to add to this timetable? Application NSI

19 Retention period in EDAMIS
Feature intended for compliance… Domain managers can define a retention period for their datasets ESDEN keeps an encrypted copy of all files for the defined period When the retention period is reached, EDAMIS deletes the file Expiration period can be 0, EDAMIS will delete the file immediately after delivery What else do we want to add to this timetable?

20 Retention period in EDAMIS
… also has other uses Copy of official submissions to Eurostat available Copy of files received from Eurostat available Verify the version of the file that was submitted Recover files that were lost or modified What else do we want to add to this timetable?

21 Consolidated logging EDAMIS centralises all information on actions performed on every file All actions done (e.g. file received, chunks joined, signature checked, file available, file delivered) All files are hashed, possible to tell whether a file was ever received What else do we want to add to this timetable?


23 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ? Secure networks

24 EDAMIS and the networks
EDAMIS is available through different networks The Internet TESTA CCN Global: available all over the world Low cost Security level: low, available to the general public


26 TESTA and CCN TESTA CCN Purpose Generic: exchange of information
Specific: customs and taxations Point of access National network Customs office Technology IP IP, but restricted Authentication EU-Login Security High Owner European Commission European Statistics are produced by Eurostat alone. The production of European Statistics is only possible thanks to the exchange of statistical data between the organisations that are part of the European Statistical System (ESS).

27 Secure connectivity: current status
Connected to TESTA to CCN Unknown NSIs DK, ES, HR, HU, LV, NL, SE Ongoing: AT, PL, UK Total: 10 AT, BG, CZ, CY, DE, DK, EE, EL, HR, IT, LU, LT, MT, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI Total: 18 BE, IE Total: 2 ONAs ES National Bank ECB All customs Ongoing: BE NBB All other ONAs

28 Web Portal: separate instances
NSI DIGIT Secure environment EDAMIS 4 Reverse proxy TESTA Manual data exchange EDAMIS 4 Web Portal (TESTA) What else do we want to add to this timetable? Reverse proxy Internet EDAMIS 4 Web Portal (Internet) Datasets can be restricted to a particular network ESDEN

29 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ? Easier to integrate


31 Transmission methods compared
Machine to machine Supports large files Encryption facilities Local installation needed Uses standard software Accessible through CCN Accessible through TESTA PORTAL sFTP AS4 CLIENT

32 Easier to integrate Promote use of standard protocols Allow automation
Connect to national systems Comply with local policies

33 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ? Easier to use

34 EDAMIS dashboard EDAMIS home page Can be customised with widgets News
Last files sent Notifications

35 Dashboard configuration


37 Easier to send files To send a file Portal provides help
Drag and drop file Click on "Perform transfer" Portal provides help Automatically fills metadata from the naming convention Pre-validation functionality Validate files before official submission

38 Click on the "Transmissions" menu

39 In the menu, select "Send datafile"

40 Drag and drop your file in this area

41 … so all metadata fields are filled automatically
The file follows the EDAMIS naming convention… … so all metadata fields are filled automatically Click here to validate your file Click here to perform the official transfer

42 Improved search function
Navigation is similar to EDAMIS 3 Search function provides faster access Search the whole EDAMIS application Domains, datasets Users, organisations

43 Use the menu to access the inventory

44 Use the new search function


46 Management of rights TCOs can grant rights Users can request rights
Rights become effective Users can request rights TCO is notified TCO can accept or refuse

47 Click to manage your account


49 User clicks to request rights

50 Pending requests rights for TCO

51 TCO can accept or refuse the requests

52 Pending Rights at the Dataset level

53 Replacement of Java applets
Java applets replaced by HTML5 and JavaScript Standard technologies supported by major browsers

54 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ? Better performance

55 New architecture Based on Use of Prepared for scalability
HTML5, Javascript Java 2 Enterprise Edition Oracle database Use of Reverse proxies (Internet, TESTA) Load balancers Prepared for scalability What else do we want to add to this timetable?

56 Application architecture
Linux VM1 WebLogic Cluster Managed server 1 Reverse proxy Load balancer Session replication Reverse proxy Load balancer What else do we want to add to this timetable? Linux VM2 Managed server 2

57 Benefits of new architecture
Improved file transfer Faster Higher volumes Ready for growth Possible to add resources No need for re-design

58 What is new in EDAMIS 4 ? Web Forms

59 EDAMIS 4 Web Forms Objectives New development Keep same functionality
Minimal impact for production New development Java applets no longer used New graphical interface What else do we want to add to this timetable?

60 New in EDAMIS Web Forms New, HTML5-based interface
Possibility of pre-validation Validation prior to official submission Coherency of validation rules Common set of rules for Web forms and rest of transmission methods

61 Coherency of validation rules
EDAMIS Web Forms Data provider Validation engine What else do we want to add to this timetable? EDAMIS STADIUM European statistics Statistical production

62 Click on the TRANSMISSIONS menu

63 Click on "Web Forms"

64 Click on "Create a new transmission" to create a new Web Form entry


66 Click to edit an existing Web Form



69 For more information

70 For more infos, contact Eurostat
For questions: The support team can be contacted using the following address For information and discussions: Participate to the Yammer group



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