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Seasonal variation of bromine monoxide over the Rann of Kutch salt

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1 Seasonal variation of bromine monoxide over the Rann of Kutch salt
marsh seen from space C. Hörmann1, H. Sihler1, S. Beirle1, M. Penning de Vries1, U. Platt2 and T. Wagner1 1Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany 2Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

2 Rann of Kutch

3 February March June September
Seasonal „salt marsh“, largest salt desert in the world (> km², same size as Belgium) During Indian summer monsoon, the salt marsh is filled by rain and/or tidal sea water (only 15m a.s.l.) After the monsoon, water dries up and leaves a salt desert ( one of the hottest areas in India, up to 50°C in summer!) March June September

4 Come to Poster #60

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