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Word of the Week Winner! Cook Islands

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1 Word of the Week Winner! Cook Islands
“You’re curious this morning,” exclaimed Mrs. Edwards to the increasingly inquisitive, investigative Luke. “Your attitude has astronomically improved.” Correct use of capital letter. Correct use of word of the week. Correct use of your and you’re A few images to inspire the students if they are struggling. Appropriate use of vocabulary to engage the reader. Punctuated correctly throughout.

2 Word of the Week Winner! Algeria
The skillful striker struck the crossbar in the last minute of the game, the crowd were going wild; a hullabaloo had erupted in the stands, spectators were quivering with excitement. Correct use of word of the week. Correct use of capital letter. A few images to inspire the students if they are struggling. Punctuated correctly throughout. Exciting use of vocabulary.

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