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Common Core Standards:

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1 Common Core Standards:
RL , RL , L Monday, April 29th, 2019 Aim: How do minor characters (such as Paris) return to affect the development of the play? Objective: Students will develop an understanding of how dramatic irony affects the play. Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.) We know the Capulets want Juliet to marry Paris. What kind of person do you think your parents want you to marry someday? Identify at least TWO characteristics (personality traits, physical appearance, family background, etc.) OR 2.) After the fight Romeo was involved in Friar Lawrence gives him some advice. Some of you think the plan will fail, so what advice would you give to Romeo or Juliet instead?

2 Common Core Standards:
RL , RL , L Monday, April 29th, 2019 Aim: How do minor characters (such as Paris) return to affect the development of the play? Objective: Students will develop an understanding of how dramatic irony affects the play. Agenda 1.) Do Now: Answer one or both questions, turn and talk with your tablemates. Captains will prepare to share with the class. 2.) Mini-Lesson: Together we will quickly recap past events before jumping back into the play. We’ll be stopping to breakdown certain passages, character/author choices, and plot to better understand the complex language. 3.): Reflection: Juliet is to marry Paris in three days according to Lord Capulet, so make a prediction about what is to happen next. What do you think is going to happen with the arranged marriage? What will Romeo do if he hears about the plan? Answer in about two or three sentences.

3 Quick Recap Thanks to Spring Break we’ve been gone for a while, so let’s quickly recap some of the events that occured in our text before we left. We lost both Mercutio and Tybalt as a result of a big brawl. Tybalt killed Mercutio and Romeo killed Tybalt, so what was the punishment given by the Prince as a result? After Juliet hears about how Tybalt was killed by Romeo how does she react? Does she defend Tybalt or Romeo? How does Romeo react to the news of the banishment? Who has to comfort him and knock some sense into him? What is the plan the Friar comes up with for Romeo?

4 The Return of Paris It has been a while since we last heard from Paris. When we last saw Paris he was reminding Lord Capulet about what request? What’s the problem with what Paris is asking? What do Juliet’s parents have no knowledge of when they’re trying to arrange this? Right, the Capulets are all unaware about the secret marriage that occured between Romeo and Juliet and that is why Capulet is trying to arrange the marriage between Paris and Juliet. (DRAMATIC IRONY) Last time we saw Paris Capulet gave his permission for him to woo over Juliet, but clearly he hasn’t had the time, nor have her parents had time to convince Juliet of marrying him. Why do they say they haven’t had the time to?

5 Paris and Juliet When Paris visits the Capulets Juliet cannot come down from her room to meet Paris because she is “mewed up to her heaviness”, but we know that she isn’t as sad over the death of Tybalt as she is about the fact that Romeo has been banished from Verona so Capulet will talk to her about it tomorrow When Capulet says he’ll talk to Juliet about Paris does he really plan on giving Juliet a choice in marrying Paris? How do we know this? So what is the plan that Lord Capulet makes for both Paris and Juliet? What is happening on Thursday? Lord Capulet has taken the role of wedding planner and says what about the reception? Is it going to be a grand celebration? Why or why not?

6 Romeo and Juliet So remember when Lord Capulet was saying that Juliet was shut in her room, alone with her sadness? Yeah, no that’s not the case. Romeo and Juliet have spent the night together and now morning has come. When Friar Lawrence was telling Romeo to do where was Romeo to go after spending time with Juliet? Juliet tries to keep Romeo with her as long as she can. How cute, but Romeo knows that he must go or else he faces some serious punishment. Juliet eventually gives in and acknowledges that Romeo must go and allows him to leave and with it enters the nurse who tells Juliet that her mom is coming to tell her something. What is it?

7 Reflection Juliet is to marry Paris in three days according to Lord Capulet, so make a prediction about what is to happen next. What do you think is going to happen with the arranged marriage? What will Romeo do if he hears about the plan? Answer in about two or three sentences.

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