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Unit 8 Invertebrate Animals.

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1 Unit 8 Invertebrate Animals

2 Evolution of Animals


4 Porifera (sponges) Digestive: filter feeders
Respiration: diffusion (through water) Circulatory: diffusion Excretion: diffusion Nervous: none Movement: none (sessile) Reproduction: sexual and asexual (budding)


6 Cnidaria (jellyfish, hydra)
Digestive: use nematocysts (stinging cells) Respiration: diffusion Circulatory: diffusion Excretion: diffusion Nervous: nerve net Movement: some sessile, some by “jet propulsion”

7 Cnidaria cont’d… Reproduction; sexual and asexual (budding)

8 Planaria (Flatworm)

9 Platyhelminthes (flatworms, tapeworms, planaria)
Digestive: carnivores, scavengers, or parasites Respiration: diffusion Circulatory: some diffusion. Some have a gastrovascular system Excretion: flame cells, or out mouth Nervous: ladder-like nervous system with brain in some, light sensitive

10 Platyhelminthes cont’d…
Movement: cilia and muscle movement Reproduction: sexual, asexual, hermaphrodites


12 Ascaris (Roundworm)

13 Nematoda (roundworms, nematodes, Trichina, heartworms, hookworms)
Digestive: some free-living, some parasitic Respiration: diffusion Circulatory: diffusion Excretion: diffusion, NEW: anus Nervous: simple ganglia, sense organs

14 Nematodes cont’d… Movement: snake-like or thrashing, uses muscles
Reproduction: sexual, some hermaphrodites

15 Annelid (earthworm)

16 Annelida (earthworms, leeches)
Digestive: digestive tract (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard,intestine, anus); some filter feeders Respiration: some gills, some diffusion through skin Circulatory: closed circulatory system with primitive heart Excretion: feces–anus; liquid-nephridia

17 Annelida cont’d… Response: brain, well-developed nervous system, sense organs, ventral nerve cord Movement: longitudinal and circular muscles: crawl, swim, burrow Reproduction: most-sexually, external fertilization, separate sexes, some hermaphrodites


19 Mollusca (snails, clams, octopus, squid)
Digestive: herbivores, carnivores, filter- feeders, detritus feeders, parasites Respiration: through gills or mantle cavity Circulatory: open circulatory system (But octopus, squid – closed) Excretion: anus – feces; nephridia – liquid wastes

20 Mollusca cont’d… Nervous: clams-simple; octopus-very complex, well-developed brain, sense organs Movement: swim-”jet propulsion’, crawl with tentacles Reproduction – separate sexes, external fertilization, some internal fertilization, some hermaphrodites



23 Arthropoda (ants, grasshoppers, spiders, lobsters, centipedes)
Feeding: herbivores, carnivores, parasites, filter-feeders, detritus feeders Respiration: gills (crabs); book lungs (horseshoe crabs and spiders); tracheal tubes (grasshoppers) Circulatory: heart with open circulatory system Excretion: feces-anus; liquid- Malpighian tubules, green glands

24 Arthropoda cont’d… Nervous: brain, well-developed nervous system, complex senses (ex: compound eyes) Movement: well-developed muscle systems coordinated with nervous system and connected to exoskeleton fly, swim, walk, crawl Reproduction: sexual- internal fertilization

25 4 subphyla of Arthropoda:
Trilobites (all extinct) Chelicerates - (spiders and, ticks- Arachnida, horseshoe crabs) Crustaceans (crabs, crayfish, lobsters, pill bugs) Uniramia (centipedes, millipedes, insects)


27 Insects reproduce in two life cycles:
Complete metamorphosis Egg  larva  pupa  adult Butterflies, flies, moths Incomplete metamorphosis Egg  nymph  adult Grasshoppers, cockroaches

28 Complete Incomplete Metamorphosis Metamorphosis

29 Ecinoderms

30 Echinodermata (starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars)
Digestive: carnivores, filter-feeders, detritus feeders Respiration: diffusion through tube feet Circulatory: all systems shared, no specific system Excretion: feces-anus, other- through tube feet and gills

31 Echinodermata cont’d…
Nervous: primitive, nerve ring around mouth, chemo and light sensitive cells statocysts – balance Movement: tube feet, muscles attached to endoskeleton swim, crawl Reproduction: separate sexes, some hermaphroditic, external fertilization

32 Chordata (tunicates, lancelets, fish, frogs, humans)
Digestive: all types; digestive system Respiration: gills – pharyngeal slits, lungs Circulatory: closed circulatory system Excretion: feces-anus; excretory systems (kidneys, etc.)

33 Chordata cont’d… Nervous: complex brain and nervous system; hollow dorsal nerve cord Movement: complex muscular system coordinated with nervous system Reproduction: sexual, some external and some internal fertilization; have systems

34 Unit 8 Review How are animal cells different from plant cells?
The front of an organism is called… What is the difference between a brain, ganglia, and a nerve net? How do planarians get rid of excess water?

35 Review page 2 Humans can get trichinosis by eating undercooked ____
Reefs are made of what animals? Describe three evolutionary trends. What are the basic characteristics of animals? What is a cephalopod?

36 Review page 3 Ammonia is removed from the blood of mollusks by…
List the subphyla of arthropods and give examples Muscles of arthropods are attached to the…. An arthropod that has three distinct body parts is a(an)...

37 Review page 4 Concentration of nerves and sense organs in the head is called… The main advantage of sexual reproduction is Where are the gills of a clam? Snails and slugs breathe by… Spiders (arachnids) have how many legs? How many pairs?

38 Review page 5 Larvae of echinoderms change from ____ symmetry to ____ symmetry. Tunicates are classified as (invertebrates, vertebrates) and in phylum ____

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