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First results of the survey in Austria

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1 First results of the survey in Austria
Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus” 1 First results of the survey in Austria Beate Dobler-Tomek EU project management, ibis acam Bildungs GmbH

2 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Questionnaire for trainees We have asked 17 trainees apprenctices Age group: 15-20 13 female and 4 male first trainee experiences: 12 second trainee experiences: 5

3 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q8. How many time slots are set aside for mentoring you per week? 0-2 hours 2 12% ½ day 7 41% Full day or more 8 47% It is sufficient 14 88%

4 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q9. Which competences are transferred by trainees to the tutors? IT-skills 4 17% Articulating the needs and the behaviour of the young generation 8 35% Engaging with Social media 2 9% Forecasting trends Others 1 4%

5 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q10a. In your experience what are the most difficult problems to address in terms of the tutor/mentor-trainee relationship. misunderstanding communication problems relationship

6 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q11. Does the generation gap express itself in any difficulties in the tutor-trainee relationship? No difficulties were mentioned

7 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q12. What procedures have the company in place to assist mentors/supervisors? Please place in order of priority Schedulded meeting with trainees 3 12% Training documentation 10 40% Identified timetabled slots for training 8 32% Scheduled meetings with other mentors Other 1 4%

8 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q13. What benefits do you receive as a trainee in your company or training course? a. Financial benefits 2 9% b. Future qualifications 9 41% c. Improved employability prospects 6 27% d. Improved career prospect/enhanced cV 5 23% e. others 0%

9 Leonardo partnership: intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus”
1 Q17. Do you expect to be offered employment in this company at the end of your training? ja 3 18% nein 14 82%

10 Thank you! 1 Ms. Beate Dobler-Tomek
Leonardo partnership : intergenerational mentoring in sandwich courses - “Janus Thank you! Ms. Beate Dobler-Tomek

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