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Partners' Conference Thematic Session 1: Meeting multiple needs across sectors through a basic needs approach December 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Partners' Conference Thematic Session 1: Meeting multiple needs across sectors through a basic needs approach December 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partners' Conference Thematic Session 1: Meeting multiple needs across sectors through a basic needs approach December 2016

2 Structure of the Session
Basic Needs Framework for Integrated Response – Anne Sophie ESSN presentation – Sara Q&A on ESSN – technical aspects Discussion among participants on two key questions Feedback and general Q&A 

3 Discussion questions Discuss how a more integrated approach could apply in non-middle income countries and how this might differ from the way we work today. A Basic Needs approach relies on coordination at all levels – from programming to assessment to response – what is the one most important thing that would enhance inter-sector coordination?

4 Basic Needs Framework for Integrated Response
Putting a conceptual framework around what should already be happening: Inter-sector coordination, seeking to use cash where possible The ESSN is one example of how such an approach can look, how coordination can be strengthened and how to give a more efficient response to beneficiaries, based on what they need, not on what we can supply

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